Rose 62. Romantic

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Nove Otto of Roses

By Fox-Trot-9

Rose 62. Romantic

And when I look into your eyes,
I peer into those endless skies
   In awe of such a vast abyss:
What future king would fail to fight for
A chance to gain the worthy right for
   Your hand in marriage? For such bliss,
I'd match the rhyme of any pen!
So give your hand to other men,
   But save those lips for me to kiss.

(To be continued...)

A/N: Hehehehe... I'm trying to imagin a sixty-something-year-old guy thinking like this as he looks at the young beauty he wants to kiss... Hehehe... I'm pretty sure it would seem more creepy, instead of romantic, but old guys must be allowed their fantasies, just like the young guys... ( ^_^ )

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