The Bet

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"Okay" Lauren turned to Joey pulling herself off of his chest. She left her hand there patting him lightly. "I need to go meet with a student in like 10 minutes so if you would be so kind as to let me go, and avoid playing footsie with me from across the table today that would be phenomenal."

With that Lauren dragged herself out of bed yanking on a random sweatshirt from a drawer, at this point in time it's true owner indistinguishable between Joey and Lauren, and a pair of shorts Joey knew were for sure his.

"You absolutely cannot say it's all on me! You were playing back and you nearly tackled me to the ground once your lesson was completed yesterday." Joey replied defensively as he slid up the bed into a sitting position.

"In fact" he continued "I'm willing to make a no touch bet that you would break and touch me first." Joey said his voice dripping with snark but he regretted the words as soon as they happened. He knew Lauren was competitive and he didn't want to even want to find out how long she would be willing to hold out.

"Oh buddy. I am absolutely taking you up on that action!" Lauren laughed "When I win, you have to cancel a whole day and just stay in bed with me. No work; slack, emails, calls, texts, none of it. Take a day off and stick with it." She turned back to face Joey after sliding her earnings in. Joey rubbed his eyes.

"On second though this is a bad idea let's not do it."

Lauren smirked at how quick Joey was to beg out before swallowing his own words to bet on what happens when he is victor though he was fairly confident he wouldn't be.

"Okay and when I win, you come out out with me." Lauren looked at him confused. "Well I could have phrased that differently but we tell the public we are together. I know you're scared and i respect it, I have for so long, but I'm tired of pretending and we have been engaged for two weeks and dating for 8 years. I'm not longer so worried about this ending or them effecting our relationship."

Lauren walked over to his side of the bed and stuck out her hand. Joey shook her hand in response as they moved to lock pinkies, something they had done for years that meant they were being serious.

"This is the last time I'm going to touch you in a while so savor it." Lauren sauntered out of the room.

The day was spent with a ton of almost slip ups. They had always gotten comments about how close they are and how often the two touch but they always wrote those off. Here, staring them in the face were the facts. It was mind boggling juts how many times they truly touch, in any capacity, on any given day. On a normal day, Lauren would be high fiving Joey every time on her way into their bedroom and Joey would be rustling Lauren's hair every time he walked behind the couch. Not to mention the intentional touches, all of kisses, and absentmindedly playing with Diane, and couch cuddling. All of that gone and as the day dragged on, the two were becoming more agitated with the bet in the first place.

Then came bedtime. Joey and Lauren had danced around one another while getting ready for bed careful to not even bump elbows while brushing teeth, but going to sleep was a whole new challenge. While the duo almost never woke up in the same position, they always fell asleep in one another's arms or connected somehow. They were both aware without ever verbalizing it, that they juts slept better together and any sleep they had without one another was simply inadequate. But as per the bet they slept on opposite ends of the bed but felt worlds apart that night.

Joey woke up that morning exhausted. His subconscious was unsettled all night knowing that after a long day the only person who could calm down his brain and lull him to sleep was physically a few feet but emotionally a thousand miles away from him.

He rolled over to kiss Lauren good morning momentarily forgetting and hoping she had forgotten about the entire bet. Just before he reached her he heard her soft but groggy morning voice taunt him.

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