Forced Reset

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Clementine POV:
Screams of pain filled the air as it all burned to the ground. Everything we had worked so hard to build was being burned and destroyed right in front of my face. My vision was blurry as all hell I could barely make out my own hands. I could hear someone yelling my name "AJ? Is that you?" I managed to ask the voice. I begin to shake as someone walked over "Clem come on we have to go," they said getting me to stand up and leaned me on their shoulder. "Violet is that you?" I asked still not being able to see that well. "Yeah Clem I'm here," Violet said as she begins to lead us away from the fire. Slowly my vision came back all you could see was the fire destroying the school. "Damn it I failed," was all I could think to myself. "Vi where is AJ?" I asked Violet hoping he wasn't far behind her. "I wish I knew," she said with a sigh as we walked away. "Stop we have to find...." that was all I could say before I went unconscious.

Violet's POV:
"Clem you alright?" I asked feeling her suddenly get heavier on my shoulder. "Fuck she must've passed out," I thought to myself as I practically carried her away. Suddenly I was faced with a dilemma as I saw Louis fighting a groups of walkers. "Fuck! I can't risk leaving Clem here alone,but if I don't Louis is gonna die," I thought to myself having to decide between the two. "Sorry Louis," I said to myself as I led Clem and myself in the opposite direction. I didn't want either one of them to die,but Louis was just a friend while Clementine was the one I loved. I hate to think of it,but how useful was Louis going it be without a tongue to communicate.

Narrator POV:
Violet and Clementine walked on for a couple of miles before eventually stopping. Violet was about to collapse from exhaustion after helping Clem walk all that way. Clementine had woken up from unconscious,but she still wasn't fully there yet. The school was gone now after a new group of unexpected raiders burned it all down. They could've never seen the attack coming. It was unconfirmed if any died,but that didn't matter now it was only them against the world.

Clementine POV:
I looked over at Violet with a sigh seeing her resting against a tree. "Violet we have to go back and see if anyone is still there," I said looking at the ground. "If anyone is still there they are dead. I hate to say it,but the fire,walkers,or raiders killed anyone still at the school," she said looking up at me. "We don't know that though Vi. What if AJ or Louis went back to look for us?" I asked starting to get upset. Violet shook her head just not being able to speak. "What would Lee do in this situation?" I asked myself thinking of him. All I could think of was that time on the dairy farm he pushed me on the swing. The happy thoughts soon left as the memories of having to shoot Lee to prevent him from turning rushed to my head. "Hey Clem if you want to go back there I'll go with you," Violet said looking up at me. "It wouldn't hurt to check at least," I said shrugging not knowing what to do.

Narrator POV:
Clementine walked over and sat next to Violet as they spent time resting before they headed back to the school. The two begin to swap stories about how they survived as the apocalypse first begin and memories of life before. Violet smiled hearing about how Lee took care and protected her. "Lee would've loved you Violet wish you could've met him," Clem said as they stood up. "I'm not much of a people person,but he sounded nice," she said as they held hands with one another as the long walk back to the school began. Clementine just wished for AJ to be at the school,but she always knew it's best not to get your hopes up. Having Violet by her side made her feel invincible,but she always remembered what Chuck told her on the train. One day she was going to die and so was everyone else. "Clem what are we going to do if no one is there?" Violet asked with a sigh. Clementine remained silent for a bit "I'm not sure," she said looking down the ground. Violet nodded and squeezed Clementine's hand a bit. "Hey everything is going to be alright as long as we have each other," she said as her and Clementine looked at each other. Finally after what felt like a eternity they arrived at the school.

Violet POV:
It almost brought tears to my eyes after seeing the place I called home all burned to shit. They destroyed it all even the spot where Clem and I had our first kiss. "God damn those bastards," I said looking at it all. Clementine let go of my hand and begin to make her way closer to the building. "AJ? Come on out it's Clementine," she said entering the destroyed gate. I decided to let her take the school yard I'd check the outside. "Damn I hope Louis made it out," was all I could think seeing the corpses of walkers. I'll give those raiders on thing they seemed to kill every walker in a 10 mile radius. "Son of a bitch," I thought so myself seeing Louis's brown coat on the ground covered in blood. I had to know if he was one of these dead walkers now. It sucked flipping over the bodies and searching to see if he was one of them,and suddenly it happened. I flipped over one of the corpses and saw it was Louis. "Fuck," was all I could think as I knew it was all my fault.

Clementine POV
I was a bit surprised when Violet didn't enter the school yard with me,but I'm sure she had a good reason. "AJ? If you are here it's safe to come out now," I yelled out following with a sigh. Slowly I searched around the school yard with no luck finding AJ or even a trace of anyone. "Fuck, I better go see what Violet is up to," I said to myself as I walked out of the school yard. "I can't give up on searching for AJ," I thought to myself as I walked over to Violet. "Umm hey Violet why are you looking at that dead walker?" I asked before gasping. The corpse was Louis who had been torn to shreds by walkers. "Fucking Christ," I said looking away almost vomiting from the sight. "Clementine we have to bury him," Violet said turning to face me. "You're right I'll go grab a shovel," I said still looking away from his body. Violet shook her head sighing as I walked away. I went and grabbed a shovel that I saw earlier on the ground. We buried Louis quickly hating to see our friend that way. "Hey Clementine maybe you should say a few words," Violet suggested. I cleared my throat and let out a sigh "Umm Louis was a great friend. He was a fun loving guy who just wanted the best for everyone, and he wanted to make us all laugh," I said not knowing what more I could say.

Narrator POV:
After they finished mourning the loss of their friend they grabbed their stuff and headed south. They weren't sure what way AJ or anyone else headed,but it was a start. Now it all came down to determination and a bit of luck. Clementine and Violet both knew the need shelter before nightfall or they'd be in serious trouble. Luckily they knew the area pretty well, so they would be safe until they reached a certain point. Violet was clearly down about Louis's death,but Clementine was going to try to make her happy. Slowly she held Violet's hand with a smile "Violet it's gonna be ok as long we have each other," she said. "Thank you Clementine," Violet said as they continued to walk.

—The End—

Chapter 1 is done and man I'm enjoying this for far.

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