Part 15

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The next day I felt less tired and the pain was bearable. I was warm and felt that very familiar feeling of being wrapped in somebody's arms, John's arms. I guess he stayed and climbed on the bed. I turned over and wrapped my arms around his torso and buried my face in the crook of his neck. How I felt at this moment was indescribable, I felt so good, so safe, so happy, it was amazing, like I never wanted to get away from him, ever. 

My peace and quiet was interrupted by the door opening and footsteps. I didn't bother moving or opening my eyes, I already knew it was the group. They were whispering inaudible things, I tried to go back to sleep until I heard the click of a camera. I sat up and looked at the boys:

- If you don't delete that picture I will destroy you

- No. Mino said, sticking his tongue out at me

- You're suicidal son. I warned him


I tried to stand up but John pulled me back next to him causing the boys to burst out laughing. I raised my hand and pointed at the boys:


- It's not over yet, I will fight you

- You ain't got the facilities for that, ma'am. Kuro said trying not to laugh

- Guys shut up and let me sleep. John said with his morning voice

- Y'all heard him, now get out. I added

- Mean. Hope pouted before they all left


I started playing with John's hair. I guess it's funny how we're both touch starved to the point where we're that close without any feelings behind. I mean, I'm pretty sure he doesn't have feelings for me. Me? I'm not sure if I like him or I just enjoy being in his arms. Yeah, I just like the proximity, I don't like him. No I don't... right?

Yeah I don't, it's the drugs they're giving me that's giving me weird thoughts:


- You hungry? John asked

- I don't even know, let's go with yes

- What do you want?

- I'm craving pancakes

- I'll get you some then

- Thank you John, you're the best

- No need to thank me it's normal


He stood up and left the room, I sat up and stretched my arms. I slept okay I guess, My body aches but I guess that's normal.

I'm still mad at myself, or disappointed. Maybe both. I should've had it coming, I should've known better. My subconscious warned me, Hope warned me. Even without a warning is was pretty obvious, he's an assassin, he'll kill anyone for the right sum and I sure am not an exception. I'm famous so I have haters and people who hate me, I always voice my opinions and call people out on their bullshit, or maybe it's just Kikyo who's still mad at me for not accepting the mission proposal. I'm not buying his "mom wanted to make sure John loved you" story, he's lying and for once I know that. Like what is wrong with me, always trusting the wrong people, I'm a dumb ass. Gosh I wish I could leave my body and smack myself right now. How could I be so stupid? 

My toughts were interrupted by the door opening, John came in with a box and two cups:


- The nurse told me to give you healthy and unprocessed food, he said that fruits vegetables and whole grains were good for you right now. I got you: oatmeal, a fruit salad and a smoothie. I got myself a stack of waffles and a cup of coffee

- I hate you

- I'll let you have a bite

- I take that back

- Of course you do


He sat next to me and gave me my food and started eating his. I never was a big fan of oatmeal I felt reluctant to take a bite of it so the smoothie seems more apetizing. I took a sip of the smoothie and grimaced:

- Is there kale in it? I asked with disgust

- Shi, I don't even know, this looks healthy so I took it

- I hate kale

- Honestly same


I moved on to the fruit salad and it was actually good, I ate it all and then gazed at the waffles. John looked at me and moved his head side to side, telling me "no". All I did was give him and puppy dog eyes look before he heavily sighed:


- You're not supposed to eat that

- John, you know how much I love waffles

- But it's processed food

- I'm on so many drugs right now my body couldn't give to fuck about the food being processed or not. Please?

- Alright, But only one bite

- Thank you so much I love you


I hugged him and took a bite of his waffles, they were amazing. Soft and fluffy, sweet and warm, better than that vomit looking oatmeal I'm supposed to eat. My ecstasy caused by a bite of waffles stopped when John looked at me in a weird way. I couldn't explain it but it was a mix of hope and confusion, indescribable I guess:


- Do you really mean that?

- Mean what?

- That you love me?

- Yes of course, you're my homie of course I love you

- Oh okay. Finish your food I need to go to the bathroom


He left the bathroom, his face was all serious, completely different than how he came in. I brushed it off and tried to swallow the oatmeal without puking, I managed to do that and then looked at my smoothie. Yeah, no I can't, this had kale in it. I would rather starve than eat kale. I put the glass on the nightstand and put all the empty boxes in the bag John brought them and drank a few sips of water. I turned my phone on and started scrolling through social media seeing that me getting stabbed made the news. It was trending everywhere and everyone was talking about it. People were spamming me to see I was okay or even alive. I didn't feel like talking to anyone or being on social media. I turned my phone back off and laid down, I should sleep, resting is good for me. 

To be continued

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