Chapter 5: The Banishment

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~Y/n P.O.V.~

I seated in a chair, looking at some computers with peoples pictures on them. I was wearing all white, my hair was neat and brushed. I looked at the screen, looking at the pictures of boys in front of me. I realized, it's the gladers, in my glade. I looked up slightly, meeting familiar brown eyes.


He was wearing all white as well. He smiled slightly at me before I looked back down. I then, looked a little bit to the side of him, meeting a pair of blue eyes. One's that belonged to a girl. Just like Thomas and I, she was wearing white, and her hair was neatly brushed.

Who is she?

I've seen her in my dreams too, but I have no idea who she is. She smiled at me, and once again I looked back at the screens, seeing a picture of Gally on the screen. Suddenly, I felt a hand on my shoulder, making me look up slightly to see an older blonde woman, smiling at me. I focused back to the picture of Gally on the screen.

The older woman bent down a little and whispered in my ear, "Remember y/n, Wicked is good." I nodded for some reason. I didn't know what was going on at all. Who is this lady? Who is this girl? Why is Thomas here? What is going on?

I woke up, sitting straight up, gasping. Someone was shaking me awake, I felt two hands on my shoulders. I looked to my left, still breathing heavily, I saw Newt on my left, looking down at me with concern. I then looked to my right, seeing Gally there with his hand on my right shoulder, with furrowed eyebrows and looking at me with the same amount of concern.

"You alright, love?" Newt asked, crouching in front of me. I nodded, still somewhat panting, "Yeah, sorry. It was just a nightmare." Now, both Newt and Gally were crouching in front of me, studying my face. I put my hand on my forehead, it felt wet. I was sweating. Wow, how bad was this nightmare. Or was it,

A memory.

"Are you sure you're okay, sis?" Gally questioned, breaking me out of my thoughts, "You were moving around a lot, and you were starting to scream." I nodded again, trying to wipe the sweat of my face.

"Yeah, I'm sure," I paused, "I'm okay." They both nodded, Gally rubbed my back for a minute before leaving while Newt put his arm around me, kissing my head multiple times while pulling me into his side. It was then, that I noticed Alby and Thomas out at the wall, Thomas was carving his name on the wall.

Why was he there? In my dream?

Was it even a dream?


~Y/n P.O.V.~

It was later in the day, Newt and I were working in the gardens with Zart, as well as Thomas. "Has anyone tried climbing to the top?" He asked us after a few minutes of silence.

"Tried it," I told him, not looking up from my work, "The ivy doesn't go all the way to the top."

"Besides, where you gonna go from there?" Newt questioned, looking at Thomas, waiting for his answer.

"And what about the box?" Thomas questioned again, resting his arm on the shovel, glancing between me and Newt, "Next time it comes up,"

"No, we tried that," Newt interrupted, shaking his head, "The box won't go back down with someone in it." He said.

"Okay, what if we-" Newt cut him off.

"No, we tried it, alright?" He said, with an amused smile, yet a somewhat annoyed tone, "Twice. Alright? Trust me. Anything you think of, we've already tried. The only way out of here is through the maze." Thomas didn't say anything, he just looked down at the ground with a frown, "Now, look, you wanna be helpful? Here," he threw Thomas a bucket, "Go dig us up some more fertilizer." That made Zart chuckle, while I smiled slightly, keeping my eyes on my work.

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