Chapter Seven

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What a glorious sight to see him flee in terror. I take a moment to revel in it before a gasping Nick captures my attention. I speed over towards him as his hands clutch his chest. He looks up and tries to smile. I put his arm over my shoulder while placing both arms underneath him. His eyes widen when he realizes what I'm going to do and he shakes his head. Ordering him to shut up, I lift him expecting him to weigh a ton but fight off a smile when he feels lighter than a feather.

"Speak nothing of this." I boom out and they bow their heads in submission. "Get back to patrol, and clean up this mess." I order with a nearly unconscious Nick in my arms. Running through the forest with impossible speed, I reach the medical center.

"Alpha." Gasps a nurse in shock as she takes in my bloody appearance. "Oh my goodness!" She says before hitting the silver button on the wall. The entire building goes on alert as one of the pack doctors comes rushing out with a team of nurses and a gurney. I place Nick down as he coughs out blood. He grabs my hand tightly and I look into his frantic brown eyes. Placing my forehead on his I close my eyes and try to send him all the warmth in the world before he is rushed away.

"Alpha are you okay?" Asks Nurse Joy.

Am I okay?

I nod and she bows her head before scurrying away from me. I sigh and shake my head as I try to wrap my head around tonight's events. I died today. I turned into a vampire today... sort of. The vampires were already a nuisance before but now they've become a pain in my ass. Seems like dear old Emerson had a bastard son he neglected to tell me about and a vindictive crazed baby momma on the loose hell-bent on getting her hands on the Kynda.

Clutching my pocket, I feel the small box pressing against my leg. What the hell is so important about it? Up until tonight, I'd never even heard of it.

"Alora?" Jocelyn says as she rushes in and her eyes widen. "What the hell happened are you okay? Julian reported an attack a few miles outside the border. I deployed a small group to clean up the mess."

"Good." I say with a nod and she stares at me expecting an explanation.

"So..." she begins and I sigh and cross my arms.

"Spit it out, Jocelyn."

"What the hell happened out there? Julian reports an attack and then you come back with an almost dying Nick and you smell different." She accuses rather loudly, causing several pack members to look up. One stern look from me and they quickly return to their tasks.

"Keep it down will you?" I growl out lowly. "I don't have time to explain right now. What we need to do is get the warriors ready. Tomorrow the training begins. Those wolves are merciless and are coming straight for us. We need to be ready. Which means we can't be distracted by idiotic rogue attacks like the one from yesterday or the one that happened this afternoon while Nick and I were away." I say with a pointed look.

Her eyes widen "I was going to tell you but I didn't want to interrupt the meeting. We handled it."

"You think that I don't know what happens in my pack? I'm the alpha. I'd be a lousy one if I didn't know when my pack has been attacked." I state as I watch her fidget under my gaze "You didn't have it handled Jocelyn. You let the rogues slip through your fingers. Now they believe that they can attack us and get away with it. You've made us look weak."

"I'm sorry. I thought I could take care of it without you."

"And therein lies the problem. You are not Alpha Jocelyn, and if you keep this up you will no longer be Third-in-Command." I state and her eyes widen "Prep Warrior Group One for tomorrow morning to march on the rogue camp. Thanks to you we have a reputation to uphold. I want everyone else training and the children to memorize their escape plans."

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