Chapter Twenty Nine

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"Alora... Alora." Says a familiar voice as I feel them shake my shoulders. I open my eyes and immediately close them as the brightness of the sun assaults my sensitive eyes.

I groan as I uncurl myself from my seated position and hear my bones crack and pop. It makes me wonder how long I've been frozen in that position.

As I clear my mind of my whirling thoughts, I focus on the face in front of me and immediately jump to my feet. She grins and her blue eyes sparkle in amusement.

"I take it you've seen me before?" Says Hazel as she grins lazily. I look behind her and see Rose's other sister Naya standing closely at her side. Behind Naya stood the Nightshadow Coven alongside several other covens.

"Where am I?" I ask as I look around at the clear blue sky.

"Welcome to The Oasis, little one." Hazel announces with a smile.

"Where's my family?" I ask and Hazel sighs.

"They are in their own little corner of The Oasis. If you'd like I can escort you there but first I'd like to have a chat with you."

I nod and she smiles. With a snap of her fingers the world swirls and we're standing inside a replica of the Umbridge Castle. The witches disperse and Hazel motions for me to sit across from her in the armchair close to the fireplace.

She catches me staring at the flames and fights back a smile. "You really are drawn to fire."

I focus my attention on her and shrug "Fire brings me comfort. It can be destructive or it can provide warmth to survive. It all depends on how you look at it."

"That's a grand way to perceive it." She nods as she studies me.

I groan and roll my eyes "Look. I've just about reached my quota of small talk. I hate wasting my time so can you get on with whatever it is you need from me so that I can go with my family."

"There she is." She chuckles "I was wondering when your impulsivity would appear."

"What do you need Hazel?" I all but grunt out as I run my hand down my face and hold back the urge to scream in despair. This is what my life is going to be like now. Nothing matters. Everyone here is dead. There's nothing to work towards, nothing to accomplish, nothing to enjoy. The only thing that I am happy with is the fact that I've left my pack in the very capable hands of Nick... my mate...

"You seem a bit glum there, child. Could it have anything to do with the handsome young man that's currently holding on to your corpse like it's his lifeline?" She says as she flicks her wrist and a crystal ball materializes onto the coffee table.

I stumble out of my seat and kneel in front of the table as I place my hands on either side of the ball. Hazel grins as she sips a cup of newly materialized tea. My eyes water at the scene before me. It appears as if not much time has passed. Lucius and Asha are still standing a few feet away from me while Nick is holding my body close to his chest. Sobs wracking his body violently as my grandfather kneels beside us with a hand placed comfortingly on Nick's shoulder.

All of the packs have their heads lifted towards the sky as a chorus of continuous sorrowful howls filled the air. Even Clementine and the vampires had their heads bowed in respect. The most shocking thing of all however is the fact that Rose is staring at the scene before her in disbelief, and I do mean staring.

I look up at Hazel in shock "She can see?"

She chuckles and nods "The second blast of the portal restored her eyesight."

I look back down and see Asha and Rose now locked in a fierce embrace while Lucius stares at his mate in adoration. I nod in satisfaction. At least I was able to provide some happily ever after's. Sighing I look at Hazel and nod "Okay I get it."

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