Chapter Eighteen

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He quirks a perfect brow while curiously cocking his head to the side. His intense stare as he sizes Nick up makes my stomach drop. He runs a hand through his tousled black hair before clearing his throat. "It appears there are things we still need to discuss Alora."

Annoyance flares within me and I cross my arms. "Of course we do. You have spoken to me for all of five minutes. Three of them have been with me in this cell. Get me the hell out of here. Now."

His eyes flash with anger and Nick steps closer to me which further angers Lucius.

"REECE." He booms causing the cells to rattle. Seconds later the clank of the metal door resonates as Reece flashes in. "Explain to me why my mate is sharing a cell after I gave specific instructions?"

"I don't know." Reece answers but one look at Lucius's face had him immediately adding onto his answer "I will find out who is responsible. Now." He scurries off like a rat and I am left staring at my mate in disbelief.

"Wow." I scoff and shake my head. "So you're just going to completely disregard me? You do realize that I will never submit to you or bend to your will right?"

"Wolfie has balls." Clementine approves with a smirk.

Lucius takes a steady breath and the animosity in his eyes disappears as a warm smile graces his face. "I wouldn't expect anything less. I will admit tossing you in here like the rest of them was a bit uncalled for. You are my mate. Once you understand how important our mission is you will make the right decision all on your own." He grins as he unlocks the cell and offers his hand. My wolf growls in my mind and I swallow the urge to slam his head against the bars as I take a step forward. He puts his hand up and looks at Nick who also stepped forward. "He stays here."

"He's my Beta." I challenge as I cross my arms.

"Well, I am your mate." He fires back as he stares me down.

"He goes where I go." I rebuttal.

"Yes." Replies my mate "And from the smell of it, he also goes in you. I can smell his scent buried in your pores. Forgive me darling but he stays or you both do."

For a split second, I let my mind conjure up several gruesome ways of impaling him and making him gag on his own balls. Then I take a deep breath and plaster a smile onto my face.

He grins like he's won and for a moment the sight of his smile causes butterflies to explode in my abdomen. I, of course, beat them back down. Jesse's low and taunting whistle in the cell beside us has my hands twitching. I take a step towards Lucius and instantly feel Nick tense behind me. I turn to lock eyes with him and falter at the betrayal in them. He quickly masks it with a neutral face and nods at me to leave. I try to mind link him but it's no use. I just pray he understands the silent message I'm giving him.

Trust me Nick.

His blank face remains unmoving and I sigh as I follow Lucius outside of the cellar and up the stairs. For a few minutes we walk in silence all the while I count the number of doors and windows as we pass them. I take a moment to study his posture. Noticing that his back is ramrod straight and his hands continue to clench and unclench.

"Are you okay?" I ask and he comes to a stop.

"You need to ask me that?" He scoffs "I catch my mate in the arms of a man she's been intimate with and I am not allowed to be upset? Do you think me emotionless?"

I roll my eyes "No. I think you are insecure and are acting like a petulant child. Who I have a past with is of no importance to you because it was before you. I am under no illusions that you have been cellibate so why do you assume that I have been? Let's move on from this and get to the reason why I'm here." I say as I fix my hair into a loose bun and plant my hands on my hips. "You say that in due time I will want to join you willingly. I say we should just skip all the torture and games and get to the point."

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