Chapter Twenty Seven

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That happiness lasts about half a second before my body tingles again in a very unpleasant way. I begin to feel dizzy and a familiar feeling of wanting to hurl. My eyes widen and Lucius looks at me in question. I am quick to grab the talisman and search for the spell that had caught my eye a few moments ago.

"What are you doing?" He says as he grabs my arm.

"Rose is pulling me back to her but I saw a spell that can get me into the Kynda before nightfall."

"No you can't. You have to wait until the Blood Moon or else you won't come back out." he argues.

"I've gone there before. I can come back out." I answer. He looks at me a bit torn before he nods for me to proceed. The slight distraction is a second too long and my body starts to disappear as the room starts spinning. Lucius grabs a hold of my hand and teleports with me.

Once the room stops spinning I see a very angry Rose in front of me. Her black hair still perfectly curled. Lucius tightens his hold on my hand and Rose sneers at the action and scoffs. "Of course you'd betray me too Alora, he seems to have that effect on people. Make you betray your cause, yourself, your destiny. Lucius is a traitor and a liar. He turned his back on our friendship, on my sister. He only cares about himself."

"Bullshit Rose." Lucius snarls "I am not the one who gave up on Asha. You did. You gave me no choice. Everything I have done is to save her. I wouldn't have had to betray you if you hadn't betrayed your own blood."

Rose grits her teeth and blasts Lucius with energy that sends him flying into the wall. And since he's still holding me so tightly I also slam into the wall.

"Everything you've done has been for nothing. The day has come and you have nothing. I will complete my purpose and make the ancestors proud. I will destroy the Kynda and find peace with my sisters." She says and Lucius shakes his head.

"You're lost Rose. You will never find peace if you destroy the stone. You will kill her." He grabs the talisman from his pocket and presses it against my back. "I won't let that happen."

"There's nothing you can do to stop me." She retorts.

"You're right." He says "But The Flame can."

Her face morphs into surprise then anger once Lucius does the spell. "Evanescet"

"NO!" She shouts as my body shimmers and begins to get sucked into the Kynda. "Alora! No!" She shouts desperately trying to grab my disintegrating form. Lucius nodding at me is the last thing I see before I'm swimming in fire. The familiar burn makes me smile and for the first time in the last three days I feel at peace. Like the fire is my home. The fire is peace. The fire is... me.

Like last time I'm pulled away from it all too soon and land so hard on my ass that not even this gaudy dress could break my fall. Standing up, I brush off the ash as I look around the flame filled forest. This time no one is around me. Good. This means no one knows I'm here yet. I have to find Asha.

Taking a look up at the sky I see the Blood Moon looking closer than it did last time. Adrenaline kicks in and I immediately begin the search as I creep through the fiery trees.

If I were a witch trapped in a hellstone where would I be?

Well, if it were Rose she would look for the furthest spot away from all of the excitement. A quiet space.

Going on a hunch I begin to walk further and further away from the moon. Knowing Emerson he'd be close to the exit today which means he's probably pacing in front of the setting moon. I grin when I get to a part of the forest where the flames are much hotter than I've felt before. I didn't know that was possible. Once my skin starts sizzling and parts of my fingers start falling off I know I've reached some sort of barrier.

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