Chapter Six

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Gasping loudly, my eyes flash open and I'm blown away by the sight. Blood splattered on the ground and smeared on the trees. Growls and hisses echo into the night. I can hear every bone crunch, every single drop of blood that crashes onto the ground. I can hear skin tearing and neck-snapping. My senses on high alert as I witness the battle of wolves vs vampires. I look at my arms and see them slightly paler. My hair is a deeper shade of red, and my canines feel more like fangs. I've been reborn into the thing that I hate the most. Despise the most. Raw power pulsates in my veins and it sickens me. Tightening my hold on the small mahogany box Emerson gave me I place it in my pocket and come to stand. I don't give a damn what he said.

Some wolves immediately stop and stare at me in disbelief. A few vampires prey on their momentary distraction to lunge at them. My body moves before my mind can catch up. I rip their hearts out in an instant and crush them in my hands, staring as the blood oozes down my wrist. The delicious smell of their blood tempts me to drink and I growl in anger and disgust.

I look up at the sound of Nick's ferocious growl to see his grey wolf battling the leader, the one I hit with my car. My throat starts to ache with the need for blood, his blood. The wind wraps around my body as I dash towards them with a speed that leaves me both exhilarated and revolted.

I grab the vampire's throat and lift him up high while I glare into his black eyes. A look of shock crosses through his gaze before he covers it up with a smirk.

"Alora," Nick says in a breathless whisper as he shifts back "You're alive..."

"Well, look who's ready now." The vampire states.

"What do you want?" I demand while tightening my hold.

"Call them off." He grins while ignoring my question. "I'm here to offer a truce."

"Clearly." I scoff as I gaze around the chaos. He looks around for a moment before whistling. The vampires halt in their tracks and flash to stand behind him. Tightening my hold on his neck he raises his hands up in surrender and I drop him. My wolves come to stand behind me and Nick.

"I wasn't sure if it was true or not." He begins "That you were 'The Flame'." He rolls his eyes, voice dripping with sarcasm. "You reeked of plain dog earlier, but you don't anymore."

Nick looks at me in confusion as he sniffs me and scrunches his eyebrows together. The pack in turn does the same and they slightly shake their heads as they try to understand the change in my scent. Julian's wolf growls in my direction before he abruptly silences himself. I can see that the pack is fighting their instinct to attack me. My altered scent makes me the enemy but their loyalty forbids them from attacking. Hate begins to blaze through my body as I remember what I've become.

With a threatening hiss, I bare my teeth at the vampire. "If that's the case then you also know I can end each and every single one of you in the blink of an eye. Why should I do anything but that?"

"Because you now have something that we need. In exchange for handing it over, we will never harm any of your wolves again." He bargains.

I can't hold back the laugh that bubbles out "What I need is a drink because my throat is burning." I threaten with a smile and his eyes narrow in repulsion.

"Vampires don't drink each other's blood." He sneers.

"I'm not a vampire." I clarify while extending my canines as I smile threateningly. My wolves let out menacing growls.

"Let's just kill them." Nick says, tired of all the talking.

"Ah ah," The leader tsks while shaking his head "You don't want to do that."

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