Chapter25- Bitter Truth

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We had gathered around the dinner table for breakfast, waiting for Luther. Time passed by but he didn't show up.

"I'm going to check on him." I stood up and headed for his room. I knocked on it a few times, but he didn't answer.

"Luther?" I called. When he didn't answer, I repeated it a little louder. "Luther!"

"What?" he opened the door to one of the rooms we weren't allowed to enter and let out his head.

"Where have you been? We've been waiting for you in the kitchen."

"Just start without me. Open the fridge, check the cupboards and eat whatever you want." He told me before he went back into his room.


I skipped my way to the kitchen and told the guys what he said. I opened the cupboards, and took out a bunch of bowls.

"I found cereals," Nick hollered at us.

Shawn grabbed the milk from the fridge and we had that for breakfast.

I cleaned up after us and went to the living room, where Shawn and Nick had been. To my surprise, Luther was also there, sitting on a futon. I took a seat next to Shawn and broke the uncomfortable silence.

"So... what's up? Any news?"

Luther nodded at me. "Lots of it."

"Man don't do us like that. You're stressing everyone out just say it." I have never been more thankful to Shawn than I was right now. He said what I thought but couldn't process into words.

"Ok, so I tested the liquid. And you were right Emma, it's poisonous." Everyone's eyes widened as they stared at him. "It isn't strong enough to kill someone with one dose though, but with time, it would definitely end a person's life."

"Wait, really?" Nick asked.

Luther nodded once more.

"Boom! Told you freaking SO. The king is a psychopath who wants to kill his own daughter." I knew I should've been more respectful but I couldn't stop myself from gloating.

"There's more." Luther's words made us all shut up and stare at him.

"I sent a few spies to the palace. And they overheard some... rather interesting conversations between the king and his counsellor."

"You sent someone to spy on the king?!" Nick got up anger clearly evident in his eyes.

"Dude did you miss the part where he said it was freaking poisonous?" once again, I was thankful for Shawn's interference.

"What did you hear?" my question was addressed to Luther

"Do you want me to repeat his every word or  just give you the bottom line?" Luther was getting me impatient. Just talk dude who cares?

"Bottom line."


"Bottom line."

"Sorry Shawn it's two against one. Bottom line it is," Luther started.

"Caroline isn't Thomas's daughter. Lydia had an affair, and Caroline resulted of it."

I felt like he had dropped a bomb on me. Did he- what?

"Umm, what?" I cleared my throat.

"Yeah, that's not even what he said. I'm just telling you what I already knew." Luther ran a hand in his hair, but I was unable to move.

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