Chapter 21- Shitty Turn of Events

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A few days had passed and it was now the 10th of August. The weather was starting to get a tiny bit chillier than it had been. Neither Shawn or I had received any more letters or threats, well not that I knew about anyway. Ever since Shawn returned from Kevin's room he's been kind of, distant.

He wasn't rude to me or anything, but something about him seemed off. He didn't initiate anything with me at night, and he wouldn't pull me in his arms unless I had personally asked him to cuddle with me.

I tried to tell myself it wasn't anything to worry about, but it kind of was. So there I was, in Caroline's room, telling her about his changed behaviour.

"Don't you think you're over thinking this? Maybe he's just not in the mood for anything with everything going on. I mean think about it, you guys just arrived to Pengale about a week ago. It's a lot to take in, he didn't even know this place existed." Caroline took a sip of her tea, while trying to make me feel better about the situation.

"So you think he might just be overwhelmed?" I scratched the back of my head, thinking her words through.

Caroline shrugged, "Could be. Now enough about him, we have a lot to catch up on."

A knock on the door made us both shut our mouths as we stared at it with curiosity.

Caroline got up and opened the door, revealing a tall and muscular frame.

"Max," she acknowledged him. "Come in."

He bowed his head at her and walked in, carrying a small container with a pink-ish liquid.

"It's time for you medication, my lady." he said, his tone cool and unbothered.

Caroline nodded at him as we watched him pour some of the liquid in her tea. While I had a hundred questions running through my mind, Caroline seemed to be expecting his arrival, and unfazed by his actions.

He put the lid back on as he motioned for Caroline to drink her cup.

"Ugh, do I have to? Please Max it tastes awful." She pleaded.

"I know, but your father insists you drink it. You know it's good for you." he replied.

Caroline let out a loud sigh before she chugged the drink down in one gulp. The guy, Max, smiled at her, a look of satisfaction crossing his face.

"The king will be pleased." he said, lowering his head before exiting the room.

"Umm, what the hell was that?" I finally spoke up.

"That was Max, my father's counselor. He was just bringing me my medication." she explained.

"What do you need it for?"

"Well, lately I've been having a lot of headaches. This puts me at ease sometimes, but as soon as it wears off, I get all dizzy again." she told me.

"Oh..." I breathed out. "Ok but why would King Thomas send his personal counselor to hand it to you? Couldn't he just send a royal servant?"

Caroline shrugged again, "I don't know. Maybe he just wants to make sure I drink it."

She didn't seem to understand why I was getting all worked up, she clearly trusted her dad. I didn't like him one bit.

"Caroline? How do I say this without sounding crazy?" I began.

"Say what?" she asked, clueless of what I was going to tell her.

"Alright listen, the whole reason Shawn and I came here is because you're in danger. This sounds stupid of course, because you seem to be doing just fine. But Kevin said something... about your dad."

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