Chapter4- The Phonebook

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I  woke up feeling a little light headed. The only thing I thought of all night was Caroline. What if what I saw was really just a nightmare? It could've been because of what Kevin said to me. Nothing is certain and that terrifies me, but one thing is; I'm going to save her no matter what it takes.

Cereals weren't my favourite thing to eat in the morning but it was all there was besides meat and vegetables. Shawn joined me at the square table and brought his bowl with him.

"What's on your mind?" he broke the silence we had since we woke up.

I put another spoon in my mouth. "Nothing."

"You're thinking about her again aren't you?"

I nodded. "I know you think it was just a nightmare but last time I had a similar dream about Rodrick and it was true. He had warned me about himself and told me not to trust him."

"OK I see your point. So what do you want to do?"

"I don't know." I put my bowl in the sink and washed it.

I told him I didn't know what to do, but that was a lie. Deep down, I knew exactly what I had to do, or the first step at least. The only way Caroline would even stand a chance, is if I were to return and help her.

"Shawn, I need your opinion on something." I began.

"I'm listening,"

"What if I were to return to Pengale and bring Caroline with me?" I asked knowing he'd be against it.

"Emma you're being irrational. How on earth would you bring her? You barely got yourself out of there the first time you might not be so lucky if you try again. Besides, how would you even get there?"

"Well I'm thinking I could ask Rodrick to send me there and write her a way out, if she didn't already have one."

"And you think he would kindly accept? If he wanted her to escape he would have let her a long time ago. It's dangerous over there I don't want you to go." His voice got lower towards the end as he pulled me close to his chest and kissed my forehead with his soft lips.

I nodded at him knowing that nothing he had just said changed my mind about going. She risked her life for me, I should do the same for her. If only I knew how to contact Rodrick.

I sat on the yellow couch and scratched my head hoping I'd come up with something. Surprisingly, I actually did. Jasmine was kind of old- fashioned, she had a phonebook with everyone's numbers in it. I don't remember where she used to keep it, but it's definitely somewhere in her house.

I opened the outer pocket of my handbag, which actually belonged to Jasmine's sister. That's where the key to her house was, so I took it out and closed the zipper.

"Shawn, I forgot some of my stuff at Jasmine's. Could you drive me there?"

"Em are you sure about this? It's not the nicest thing to do to barge into a dead person's house."

"Well I won't be barging in I have the key remember?" I held out the key and showed it to him as I was talking.

"OK just let me put my shoes on. What did you forget anyway?" he wondered.

"A red cloak," I replied, which wasn't a lie. "Caroline gave it to me right before I got here."

He didn't push the conversation any further. We got in his black Hondai and I slightly opened my window. I've always liked the weather in July. The sun is really bright but there's still a breeze of air.

My mind wandered back to what Kevin said. "She'll be dead by the end of August anyway."

Why august though? What's so special about that month?

Right before I was about to ask Shawn how much longer it would take to get there, he parked the car.

"We're here." he announced while unfastening his seatbelt.

I slowly got out of the car and looked at the house that once provided me shelter. It looked exactly the same yet it seemed so different. It felt different. Nothing would ever be the same without her.

I approached the entrance and took out the key. My hands were shaking so much that I dropped it on the floor. Shawn picked it up and wrapped his arm around my waist.

"You sure you want to do this?" he whispered.


He opened the door instead of me and stepped in encouraging me to follow. Seeing the white couches we used to sit on everyday after our shifts made me want to cry. But there was no time for that, I had very little time to find the phonebook before Shawn noticed.

"Shawn, I don't want to go to my room. Could you get my red cloak for me please?" I requested.

"Sure baby where did you put it?"

"I don't know. Look around." I lied, knowing exactly where it was. It was on the left side of the wooden wardrobe, but I needed to buy myself time. As soon as he entered the room Jaz had offered me, I began searching for the phonebook.

I remember it being pink, which is kind of helpful I guess. I looked through the piles of papers and newspapers on the lower shelf near the TV. There were so many things, too many. The sound of the papers rubbing against each other was getting louder as I skimmed through them faster. I hope Shawn doesn't hear that.

Where is this stupid notebook?

I noticed something pink-ish under a pile of science books. I lifted them with one hand and grabbed the notebook with the other. Luckily, it was the phonebook. I quickly hid it under my jacket, causing a little bump to appear above my hips. It's a good thing I'm pregnant then, it makes it seem less fishy.

"Is that it?" asked Shawn while holding out a fancy crimson cloak.

"Yep, that's the one. God I missed it." I sighed and took it from him, then headed for the door.

Forgive me Jasmine. You didn't deserve to die. I should have warned you about him, I should have told you he was a wizard. But would you have believed me?

I locked the door and got in the car with Shawn. I pushed my head back to my seat and shut my eyes. Shortly after, I was interrupted by the sound of two pieces of glass clanging together. At first, I ignored it, but it didn't stop.

"Shawn do you hear that?"

"Yes, and it's getting on my nerves."

I looked down and saw something that left me breathless. "What the hell?"

The diamond necklace Caroline had given me was glowing. And not like in a slight glistening way, like it was actually glowing. It became very bright that it was hurting my eyes. As soon as I touched it, it started getting darker, until the light slowly faded from it.

It turned black for a moment, and then returned to its natural color. What is happening right now?

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