Chapter 12-Tonight

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Two days left before Rodrick's offer expires, and I've never panicked more. What is it going to be like this time? How am I supposed to live there when everyone wanted me dead? Last time I was there, I was supposed to be executed but I managed to escape. God the thought of that day makes my temperature rise.

"So are you still going?" Shawn's voice snapped me out of my thoughts.


"Any chance I could talk you out of it?"


He sighed and sat near me on the couch. "I want to come."


"I want to come with you." He repeated a bit louder this time.

"You can't. I mean, how? And even if you get there not everyone is allowed to leave you could be stuck. Even I could get stuck."

"Well then make it part of the deal that I come with you." He held my hand in his and stroked my knuckles.

"I could ask him but, are you sure about this?" he nodded.

Shawn handed me his phone and I dialed Rodrick's number. I felt my heart rate increasing with every ring.


"Hey, it's me."

"You woke me up this better be important." He sounded pretty pissed. Guess even wizards like to sleep till noon.

"About our agreement, we need to make a little adjustment."

"Spit it out." He said impatiently.

Impatient little douche bag.

"I want you to send Shawn with me. And write us both an easy way out." I demanded trying to sound as confident as possible.

"You guys can't spend a month without each other? Freaking Romeo and clingy Juliet."

"Yes or no?"

"Fine. I'll send you both and grant you a way out. Actually you can leave without doing anything, that's how simple I'm going to make it. As for our precious Romeo over here, I'm going to challenge him to something... interesting." He let out a small laugh and I
could hear it. Weirdo.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"You'll see. Think of it as a Harry Potter quest."

"Why are you being so generous all of a sudden? Knowing how stubborn you are you'd never agree to this." I was afraid he'd change his mind if I pushed him any further, but I really don't trust that guy.

"Very true. Usually I wouldn't agree. Luckily for you this isn't a usual day. I'm in a good mood, and that's very rare."

Ok he's definitely hiding something from me.

"Why would you let me return without doing anything? Last time I checked you didn't want me to be here."

"The only thing I'm going to tell you is this; don't even think for a second, that any help I offer you is for your well being. If I do anything then I'm getting something out of it. So put your mind at ease and stop thinking about what does not concern you." His tone was firm and he made it clear that my questions irritate him.

Good, I hope he's irritated.

"So when do you want to leave?" he asked.


*Very short chapter, I know. I'm so excited for you guys to read what's next! Any assumptions?"*

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