Chapter22- The counselor

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*This chapter is a bit longer than usual, so enjoy!*

Did he just say f*cking Amanda?

"Amanda? She's here?"

Shawn reluctantly nodded. "Rodrick told her she'd have a chance to sleep with me if she trusted him. She had no idea what she was getting herself into, and obliged. By the looks of it she doesn't even know she's in another realm. He told her he'd take her home once we were done, like it were just a drive from my apartment and hers."

I took deep breaths trying to calm down. It wasn't doing shit though. I wasn't the slightest bit near calming down.

Inhale, exhale.

Inhale- oh who am I kidding?

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME? Do you have ANY idea how much her and I hate each other? She's been trying to get in your pants for a while, and you just let her. You f*cking let her Shawn. Do you understand now?" I shouted with so much rage that I was sure my face was boiling by now.

"I know. I'm sorry." he said quietly.

"Wait- you knew?"

Shawn nodded shamefully. "Me knowing about it was part of the task. You can't be mad at me over something I had no control over. If I didn't do it you would've been dead right now."

I knew he was right, but at the moment that meant nothing.

"Well maybe that wouldn't be so bad. At least then we wouldn't be having this conversation."

We both went silent after I had said that. Neither of us had anything to say and the tension in the room couldn't even be cut by a knife. We'd need like a saw or something to cut it.

"I knew you would react like this," Shawn's voice broke the silence. "Now you know why I want to break up."

"Fine, let's break up then. I don't care at this point." I wanted to storm out of the room so bad, but I had nowhere to go. I'd look pathetically stupid just walking around in the halls in no direction whatsoever.

Our petty argument came to a stop when a sharp sound took over. It was one I was familiar with, and I immediately looked at my necklace in the mirror only to see it was glowing. I frowned at the annoying sound, and gasped when I realised what it meant. My eyes were quick to find Shawn's and we both headed towards the door.

"Shit shit shit shit." Shawn cursed under his breath.

We were running without even looking where we were going and ended up going down the stairs.

"Wait what the hell are we doing? Caroline's room is on the fourth floor," I stated, and we both made a U-turn and went back upstairs. We climbed the forever going staircase and pounded on Caroline's door.

I heard a faint sound of screams and that made me even more impatient to see her. The door opened, and we were greeted by Caroline's maid.

"She's in the washroom," she informed us.

We rushed to her bathroom but Shawn soon came to a halt. His actions confused me at first but then I understood; he didn't want to walk in on Caroline in the bathroom.

I was just hoping she would be dressed honestly, because I'm going to have to check on her either way.

"Caroline can I come in?" I said softly.

"Emma help me," she cried. "Make it stop!"

I took that as an approval for me to go in, so I did. Luckily she was fully dressed, but she was sitting on the ground crying her eyes out. I sat down next to her and pulled her into my arms. "It's okay, it'll go away. Don't cry," I whispered soothingly.

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