30 | Whispers

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Dawn was breaking when I ambled out of bed. Momentarily confused at the empty space beside me, I wondered where Gabriel had gone so early but quickly decided against mind-linking him even though I'd only just been gifted the chance to do so. Ever the one to over analyse, I was worried I'd appear needy. But then again, if I didn't, he'd think I didn't care. But if I did.... Ugh. Forget it. He had probably shifted for a run with James and wanted to let me sleep in.

Dragging my feet along the wooden floor I pulled the curtains open, welcoming the scent of fresh pine and damp Earth from the rain the night before.

Pulling on my tights and throwing on a baggy sweater, I inspected myself in the dresser mirror. The sex hair was next level, but brushing that thought aside, I lifted my hair off the nape of my neck to reveal my mark.

Turning my head from side to side, moving my neck to all angles, I took the time to examine it carefully. It was just like two crescent moons, silver and shiny and perfect.

I wasn't sure if was a result of the night before but I was filled with a sudden possessiveness. I decided to braid my hair, the purpose of which to well... show it off. I was proud of it.

Immature? Yes. Acting like a giddy teenager? Also yes. Maybe it was the wolf in me, but I wanted every female in the pack to see it. And, after taking down the Rogues last night and then being intimate with Gabriel, I wanted to show that I wasn't someone to mess with. I wasn't a passive, scared little girl anymore.

Yes I had my past. Yes I had my demons. But anyone who said they didn't have the same to some extent was simply a liar. I felt like the fog had lifted. I'd never felt so much clarity and direction before. It was like each fiber inside of me sizzled with electricity, honed and ready for anything. This Miesha was stronger and full of fire. This Miesha was bad ass.


After unstacking the dishwasher, I pursed my lips before sipping on my favorite; simple, black coffee. My morning elixir. Savoring each drop, I let my mind wander. I couldn't pull my thoughts from his grip on my thighs... his lips on my neck.... A knock on the door made me spill my coffee across the kitchen bench as I lurched out of my thoughts, "Coming!!"

"Well holy shit balls! I don't personally favor The D as you well know, but was is good? Great? Mind blowing?! I want to know... it... all..." Emphasizing the last words, Neve's eyes narrowed and settled right on my neck.

"Good morning to you too Neve, by all means-"

Barging past the semi-cracked door, she threw her jacket on the couch before flopping back against the cushions, "And do not skip the juicy details because I have been waiting far too long for this..."

Letting out a slight chuckle, I shut the door. Bypassing her and ignoring her prying, I headed straight to the kitchen, "Kettle's hot, coffee?"

"Does a bear shit in the woods?!"

"A simple yes would have sufficed," I smirked, before handing her the mug and sitting opposite her on the lounge.

The tension continued to build in the silence, "Why yes Miesha, I have all fucking day..." Her eyes rolled as she gestured for me to get a move on.

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