10 | Mine

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This chapter provides insight into this moment from both Gabriel and Miesha's perspectives.


My attention was pulled from reading the emails in front of me by Adrienne's mind link.

"Gabriel, we need to talk urgently."

"What's wrong? Is she okay?"

"Yes.But she has disclosed a lot of information, if you can get back, it's best if I relay it in person."

Jesus. I leaned forward from my chair, making a quick attempt to organize my things before leaving early.

"James, I know Clara's at home waiting with the pup, but I need you to finish up here for me. Can you reschedule our meeting with Greyson and his Beta from Sand Stone?"

"Too easy. Just finished the training session with the juveniles. I'll be right over."

"Cheers, I owe you."

I passed the pack dining hall, brushing past Eliza as I headed back home.

Grabbing my bicep, she pressed against me, her breath fanning against my stubble,
"Why so stressed Gabriel? Need to release some tension tonight? It's been a while..."

I paused. It wasn't the time for the conversation that we needed to have, so I put it off as best I could. I knew this was going to bite me in the ass eventually...

"Not now Eliza, we'll chat about this another time soon, I'm sorry."

Moving past her, I ignored her glare of intense indignation and got to the car. The tires tore through the gravel as I headed back to my place, unsure of what was awaiting me.


"She's walking the grove with Neve. We have an hour before they're back."

I nodded, my jaw clenched and eyes narrowed. I held the gaze of the hills and cabins across the pack land from my veranda as Adrienne stood beside me.

"What do you know?"

Adrienne sighed, resting her arms across the balustrade. "Your mate is Miesha, Alpha heir to the Shadow Moon Pack. It was her mother who died, but not in childbirth like we were told. Though with child to Miesha's future sibling, it was Jacob who murdered her, seizing control of their pack with the other rogues."

I gulped, gesturing her to continue, "Christ, I don't know how else to put this.... She thinks Jacob is her mate." Shifting nervously, she continued, taking a deep breath in before just pouring it out. "He capitalised on sensing that she is yours and given you're brothers... she would have felt some level of affection toward him initially, although to much lesser extent obviously. He has manipulated this, to ensure you can't have her. I don't think he expected her to survive. You know what happens if your mate dies..."

"That. Fucking. Cunt!!!"

Turning from Adrienne, my wolf surged through... there was no holding back.

"Wait!!! Gabriel, please!!!"

Ignoring her, I thudded down the steps to the drive way below, each step was a shift closer to my beast taking full control. As my last step hit the pavement, his paws ripped through the cobblestone as he took flight into the trees below.

The Fragility of Fate ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz