Chapter 38

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Mia-6 months later

Today was the last day of classes for freshman year. We have finished exams, cleaned the rental house so it's ready for our return in three months and packed our bags into Trevor's truck. I signed the network contract last week and my boys are rewarding me with two weeks of travel before we head home for the summer. They gave me a map and let me pick whatever I wanted. I looked to them and realized it didn't really matter where we went, I just needed them with me.

The boys picked the first stop on our trip and I'm pretty sure I know where we're headed, but I'll let them surprise me anyway. They blindfold me an hour into the drive and I drift off.m into sleep. The twins are gone when Trevor nudges me awake from my nap and I giggle because now I'm positive I know where we are. Trevor guides me into a building and into the elevator. I feel it climb and when it dings I'm led into the room. Trevor takes my blind fold off and I'm greeted with a sight even better then naked twins (seems impossible right?).

My twins are down on one knee in a room covered in candles and pretty pink roses. I cover my mouth with my hand to hold in the sob. Trevor leaves me standing to go kneel next to his brothers in the center. He pulls a box out of his pocket and opens it to show me the most perfect ring I've ever seen. So. much. sparkle. I squeal and step closer to see it better. A unison of chuckles sounds off and I calm myself, remembering they probably have like vows or something to say before I can touch the sparkle.

My leader starts. "We have been following you around since 5th grade and I'm sure it's no surprise that we plan to follow you for eternity. If you leave this life, we will follow you to the next. A piece of your little sparkly soul attached itself to ours that day on the kickball field. We are not just lovers Mia, we are soul mates. Your soul calls to mine. We are greedy. We want everything with you and for you. We want to call ourselves your husbands. I love you baby."

My hands are working furiously to wipe the tears from my eyes so I can see the handsome faces in front of me.

My protector goes next. "I fell for you when you kicked me and called me a loser." He kisses my hand just like he did the first day he met me, which was what earned that kick. I giggle.

"I wish I knew then what I know now.. that those giggles would sooth any aches I have. That you would choose us to be yours and build this life with you. I wish I knew then that it was safe for me to follow where you led because you would never lead me astray. Let me spend a life time protecting and providing for you. Give me babies that look just like you. I love you. Be my wife angel."

I'm sobbing now.

My sweetheart ends. "There will never be enough moments in this life with you that would satisfy me. I want infinite moments with you. Every time I pick a favorite memory, you give me another favorite. How blessed am I?"

He has tears in his eyes that he wipes on the sleeve of his shirt.

"Thank you for loving us Mia. For helping us grow into the men we are. What a dull existence we would have without your sparkle. I love you babe, from 10 until forever I will love you. Will you marry us?"

I collapse to my knees on the floor in front of Liam because that's who I'm closest too. I cry into his chest and hug him too me. I kiss him frantically. I'm handed to Trevor next who I do the same too and then Bash.

"Yes, yes, yes. Of course I will marry you. You are my knights. You are my real life fairy tale. Every memory has you in it, I don't remember a life without you in it. You gave me my childhood back. You gave me freedom and protection all at once. I am the lucky one, I am blessed. I love you each without condition. You are mine and I am yours. I want to call you my husbands."

Trevor pulls the sparkle out of it's case and slips it onto my ring finger. Even my tears start to sparkle and I'm giddy with happiness. I give each a kiss again, soaking them with tears in the process.

"I came up here expecting naked twins, but this was so much better." I hear two chuckles and then silence from the third. I look up to see Bash hurriedly stripping and we all fall into a fit of laughter.


My dad used to tell me stories of princesses and knights in shining armor. It's one of the only memories I have of him. I'm thankful for those stories because I was able to recognize a real knight when I saw one. I met three on a kickball field in 5th grade. They were sweaty, dusty and clad in athletic clothing instead of armor, but they were real knights. Not the fairy tale kind from books and fables, but the kind of knights that support your dreams and encourage your growth.

This is just the start of the story for this princess and her knights.


If you haven't already check out Cassidy and Carter, a novella and Ella's story in Sentinel Boys, a novella. Both are completed. Thank you for reading and being a part of these sisters' journeys with me <3

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