Chapter 19

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We are already two months into the school year. Time has flown by and it has been more then I dreamed it would be. Mia gets more beautiful each day as she grows and flourishes will all of the attention from my brothers and I. She loves school and is doing really well in her classes. She has a dozen new friends who we have to share her with, but I try to be patient knowing she needs these relationships and this space to herself.

Liam and I got jobs at the school gym so we spend at least four nights out of the week there doing personal training sessions with other students from school. Mia hated it at first when she walked in one night to find me with a female a couple years older then us.

No one could ever compare to my Mia so I didn't even think about the fact she might not be comfortable with us working with women. I introduced Mia to the female as my network relationship and asked Mia to stay and watch the session. Once she saw I didn't touch or even come near the female she calmed down. Liam and I secretly enjoyed seeing a jealous side of her though. She has claimed us and wants her claim known to other females and that makes me..well it makes me hard, but I'm always hard when it comes to Mia so never mind that.

Trevor got a job at the local hardware store. He says it's boring, but it's extra money for our dates with Mia so he suffers through it. We've all been good about staying on track with our school work, while also making sure we have time for extracurricular activities. I really enjoy those activities.

We've been taking turns taking our girl on individual dates and group dates. We have had no issues sneaking into her room each night, but more then a few nights she's had other girls stay over and we have to respect her space. She handles us so easily it's a joke. A bat of her eyelashes and a few kisses and she gets whatever she wants.

I experienced that first hand when a new romance movie came out she wanted to see. She asked me in a sweet little voice to take her and I immediately told her yes. The movie was so horrendous I fell asleep. She woke me up by nibbling on my neck and then dropped to her knees in front of my seat to "thank me" for taking her. It was so hard not to fucking scream her name in that theater full of people. Luckily my brothers let me call dibs on sleeping over that night and I showed her how much I appreciated her 'thank you gesture' ..a couple times.

Liam took her for a late night ice cream drive one weekend and they ended up making out in his car in the parking lot. A guard interrupted them and they were escorted to the security office and forced to call Carter. Liam said Carter was pissed and demanded to know "Who the stupid fucker was that decided an adult making out in the privacy of their car with someone in their network warranted a phone call him?"

The guard apologized to Carter and let them go, but after the fact Mia said the guard was the zoo keeper who was present the night of the incident with Drew and she thinks it wasn't an accident he caught them. She explained that she thought of him as zoo keeper in his head because Liam was acting like a wild animal. Liam got a sheepish look on his face then she told him it was sexy he went terminator and they started making out again. Luckily they came back to our dorm so Trevor and I got to participate too.

The sexual tension is insane between us. We have 8 years of pent up lust for this woman and we are so eager to take the next step, but we keep it cool and let her lead. We are taking her advice and enjoying what we have now. The slow burn foreplay is only going to make the moment we have sex that much more intense.

I'm sitting at my desk doing homework when my brothers return from class. I haven't seen them all day and I only saw Mia in passing for coffee. More of our days look like this..where we spend less time together. I hate it, but I realize it's part of college and all of our different schedules. Mia is in class another couple hours then she's going to the dining hall with friends. We are supposed to pick her up at 7:00, but we will most likely head to the dining hall earlier to eat and stalk her from a distance.

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