Chapter 14

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We are led into the security guard's office filled with vidscreens showing the girls' dorm building inside and out. They show us to a table that looks like it's used for lunch breaks and we both sit while the head of security, who I know as Joe, turns a rolling computer chair around to face us. Another guard is present, but he sits facing the wall of screens like he's going back to work monitoring them.

My brother is shaking with rage and I really hope Joe doesn't act like a dick or we are for sure being suspended and Mia would not be happy with us about that.

"Who wants to start?" Joe asks and looks between us both.

"I'd like for Mia's guardian to be on vidscreen for this. He is not going to be happy about your guards behavior." Liam states looking very much like the man and protector that he is.

Joe sighs and then hands me the vidscreen. Probably worried my brother might be a little to volatile at the moment to be near. I search Carter's name and city and his vidscreen info pops up. I click on it and he answers after the third beep.

"Carter speaking." He sounds professional. Most likely seeing the call is coming from Mia's dorm.

"Carter it's Bash. We had an issue with a guard and we are sitting with Joe. He wants to hear the story and it's one you're going to want to hear too." I'm assuming he remembers Joe from when he introduced us the first day of school, but I turn the screen so he can see him to jog his memory.

"What the fuck happened? You are one week in I told you to lay low." Carter sounds annoyed, but not the least bit surprised to be receiving this call.

"It actually wasn't us. Well it was, but we didn't start it dude."

"A guard named Drew refused to allow us access to Mia. We attempted to pick her up and he told us to remain in the lobby while he retrieved her. I told him that was unacceptable, but he refused to allow us through, saying some shit about having something to do on her floor anyway." Liam grabs the screen out of my hand as he tells the story to Carter, completely ignoring Joe standing a few feet away.

"It took him 15 fucking minutes to get her. When they were coming through the entrance to the stairwell he held the door open and Mia practically lept passed him and looked uncomfortable. When I asked him about the delay in her retrieval he said some bullshit about her not being rushed because beauty takes longer. Then he leered at her. His ugly fat ass called her beautiful and tried to fuck her with his eyes and.." Carter interrupts Liam mid sentence,

"Bash is this accurate or is he being over protective?"

"It's accurate sir. His behavior was unacceptable and Mia was visibly upset with whatever interaction she had with the guard during her retrieval." I reply.

"Where is Mia?"

"In the truck with Trevor. We will have her call you as soon as we're done here." I try to pacify him, seeing his anger is rising.

"Okay. Liam continue."

Joe seems exasperated that he's not even being included in the call, but he has a look of concern on his face. Liam picks back up,

"After he eye fucked her I put him in a choke hold against the wall. It was mild Carter. He's just a pussy that's not my fault." Liam pointedly looks at Joe then back to the vidscreen. "I politely asked him not to retrieve Mia ever again or do rounds at her door."

Joe chuckles. Carter is not fucking chuckling though and a look of murder has taken over his face.

"Joe if this guard so much as looks in my charge's direction again I'll come and handle him myself. I don't want him on her floor. Fuck it I don't want him on floors 1-5. I don't want him in her vicinity. Do I make myself clear?"

Joe has dropped the smile now that he's realized no one finds this funny.

"I understand. I'll have him moved to another building completely sir. I'm sorry for his inappropriate behavior and it will be dealt with."

"I don't ever want her network's access to her to be denied again.."

Joe interrupts "We are not able to allow them access after cur..."

Carter interrupts him, getting more annoyed by the moment.

"I didn't say after fucking curfew, let me finish. Her network will not be denied access during visiting hours. If they are, or I hear about this piece of shit guard talking to her again she will be pulled from your school and I will notify your local police about my concerns for female safety at your school. Understood?"

"Understood." Joe replies stoically.

He honestly looks like he's been spanked by the teacher and I let a grin slip knowing Carter just scared the shit out of this man.

"Are my boys dismissed?"

"Yes. I understand their involvement and they will not be disciplined in any way." Joe replies to Carter.

"Good." Carter grunts. "Get to Mia and have her call me. I expect to here from her in 10." Carter disconnects the chat.

"When will Drew be moved?" Liam asks. Having calmed down now knowing that the guard won't have access to Mia again.

"Tonight. He can spend the night in the infirmary then we will relocate him in the morning. You boys can go. Don't cause me anymore trouble or you won't like the consequences." Joe barks.

Liam and I both look at him with scowls on our faces. Well he thinks he's tough again now that Carter can't hear.

"Then keep your fucking guards away from my girl, or they won't be spending the night in the infirmary they will be spending the night in the morgue." Liam has stepped closer to Joe and Joe takes a step back. I push Liams shoulder to get him moving and clap my hands.

"Come on brother we have a hot date with our lover."

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