Chapter 16

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*Sexy times ahead*

Dinner was amazing. My second first date was amazing. The first week of college was... amazing. I feel like I'm floating on clouds with how perfectly everything is working out. My boys have been so attentive and I feel adored. That is the best word to describe it. We are driving back to the dorms now and since it's a weekend night my curfew is 11. We should be back to the dorms around 8:30 so I'll have a couple hours to spend with my guys.

Even though each night someone has snuck into my room via balcony anyway. Not including the nights with Liam and Bash, the others were kept PG with movies, cuddles and making out. I'm eager to see what happens tonight. And horny. That might be the better description.

I'm trying to let things flow naturally and just go with it, but in the back of my mind there is a constant fear of loosing them. Maybe one will get cancer and die? What would I do if one of my loves left this earth? I don't know how I'd survive it. What if they leave me? What if they take off one day and never return leaving me now knowing what I did wrong? I have this irrational fear of loosing them.

The fear consumes me some days. The closer I get to them the worse the fear becomes. I've talked about it with Cassidy and she thinks it's normal to fear loosing the people we love. She tells me it's because of what we've been through with our parents. She tells me my boys would never leave me willingly, but I can't fear death either. She tells me the same thing everyone says when they talk about death and dying.. you have to live each day like it's your last because it always could be. God why the fuck do people say that?

I'm brought out of my morose thoughts when Bash lifts my fingers to his mouth and kisses them. His mouth is warm and wet and I remember sucking the chocolate off of his finger at dinner. I squeeze my thighs together and look into his pretty eyes while imagining sucking other parts of him into my mouth. He leans forward and takes my mouth with his. He means for it to be a sweet kiss, but I don't.

I grip his neck remembering there is gel in his hair and fuse my mouth to his. I tongue fuck his mouth like Liam taught me to do and Bash moans into me. I can tell we have an audience because I catch them cursing in the front seat.

"Take your seat belt off and straddle him baby. I will drive carefully." Trevor directs.

I do as he says and break the kiss to climb onto Bash's lap. My dress rides up over my ass and now my red lacey thong and butt cheeks are on view for the other two. Bash grips my ass and helps me grind against him. We did this the other night and it feels familiar. We easily writhe against each other finding the rhythm. Bash's tongue is spearing my mouth with more force the more excited he gets.

"Good girl angel, ride my brother. I like watching . Shit you're so sexy." Liam grunts.

The fact that the other two are watching makes it so much hotter. I'm moaning into his mouth and gripping his shoulders as I ride him. Bash puts his hand against my lower back to slow my pace.

"Slow down babe. I can't keep coming in my pants the guys are keeping tally on a vid board in our room." He sounds very serious, but I can't help the laugh that bubbles out. I sit back on his lap to look at his face and his face is serious too.

"Come here angel." Liam's tone is gentle and Bash helps me turn around on his lap so I'm sitting on his knees and leaning forward into the console.

I stare as I realize Liam has his dick in his hand. I've never seen any of their dicks. I've felt them like a hundred times, shit I've even come on Bash's, but I've never seen them. I immediately reach forward, "Can I touch you?"

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