Ch. 30 - Brad & Keaton Have Words

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***** Keaton's Point of View *****

"Hey Brad," Everly said, looking up at the asshole standing next to her in a baseball uniform. "This isn't a good time. Keaton and I are having an important talk."

When Everly looked away Brad gave Keaton a look that could kill but as soon as she looked back at him his face instantly softened and he smiled.

'What a sneaky fucking bastard,' Keaton thought, narrowing his eyes at him.

He could feel his anger rising up. He had been doing a good job lately controlling his temper and not letting the old him out, but Brad was seriously testing his limits.

"Sorry to interrupt. I won't be long. I just wanted to talk to you two about something," Brad told Everly, sitting down right next to her in the grass.

"What?" she asked, letting out an exhale like she was frustrated with him not just leaving.

Brad looked back and forth between Everly and Keaton and then looked at Everly and said, "When you were crying on my chest yesterday about Keaton dumping you, I knew I had to make it right because it was my fault. I'm the one that asked you to do that interview with me and it's the reason you two broke up."

Hearing that she had been crying on his chest made Keaton bristle and he narrowed his eyes at Brad even more. He could see right through his nice guy act that he was putting on for Everly's sake. He wasn't fooling him for a second.

"Keaton, there's nothing going on between me and Everly," Brad said looking over into Keaton's eyes. "We're honestly just friends now man. I have a girlfriend named Trisha and we're really happy. I've moved on." Brad let out an exhale, looking sad. "I want you guys to work things out, because I don't want to be the reason Everly's heart gets broken again."

His tone didn't seem sincere at all. Keaton noticed the way Everly was looking over at Brad with a slight smile, like she was eating up every word he said. He was going to come out looking like the hero that helped get them back together. He was obviously trying to buy himself brownie points with her.

Then Brad stood up and gave Everly a smile, saying, "We'll hang out later," before walking around behind her and giving Keaton a smug smile with narrowed eyes, like he knew he had won the battle. He slung his duffel bag over his shoulder and strolled away with his shoulders back and his head held high. That guy just rubbed Keaton the wrong way.

His eyes moved over to Everly and she was watching Brad walk away and he wondered what she was thinking.

"So tell me the truth," Keaton said, clearing his throat and getting her attention back on him and she turned her head to face him. "Is there any part of you that's still hung up on that guy?"

She scrunched her eyebrows and said, "No. What makes you think that?"

"Ummmm. The way he looks at you and smiles at you all the time. He fucking moved all the way here to New York just to get you back."

"Those are all things HE did Keaton. Not ME. Is there anything I'VE done to make you think that?"

He sat there, looking at her and thinking.

"No," he said with an exhale, shaking his head. "I'm just making sure I'm not stepping into some back and forth tug of war between you and Brad, where you're using me to make him jealous or to get revenge on him for hooking up with your best friend."

She scrunched her eyebrows and looked at him.

"I would never do that to you Keaton," Everly said with scrunched eyebrows. She looked into his eyes and said, "I can't believe you think I'm that type of person. I thought you knew me better than that." 

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