Ch. 20 - Brad's First Game

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***** Everly's Point of View *****

They got to the baseball park, and Brad led the way inside through the player's entrance, going down a couple long hallways. Brad turned to them and said, "Well guys, this is where we part ways. I've gotta go to the locker room to get ready and you can get concessions and find your seats if you go that way. Here's your tickets," he said, reaching into his pocket and pulling them out. "I got you a couple seats right up by the dugout so you can get some good pictures of me for the paper," he told Everly, handing her the tickets.

She could tell by how his hand was trembling as he held them out that he was nervous. It really wasn't like him to be nervous before a game so that made her worry.

"Hey, are you alright?" she asked.

He let out an exhale and said, "Yeah. I'm just feeling anxious about all the news stations that are supposed to be here tonight. Everybody's been hyping me up so hard and making it into such a big deal that I transferred here. What if I go out there and choke?"

The anger and hatred she had felt towards Brad after finding out he had sex with Amber had already started to fade after she started falling in love with Keaton. He had really helped her move on. Even after everything that happened, she still really cared about Brad and considered him a friend and she wanted him to do well tonight. She reached out and pulled down on the front of his baseball hat.

"You won't choke Brad. You're gonna go out there and kill it like you always do. Hit a home run for me ok?" she asked with a smile.

"Ok," he said, letting out an exhale and giving her a soft smile back, making a dimple appear in his cheek.

He shifted his big heavy duffle bag on his shoulder and turned around, heading down the short, narrow hall that led to the locker room. When he got to the locker room door he put his hand on the handle and hesitated, looking back at Everly with a pained smile before dropping his head and walking through it.

Everly turned around to face Monroe and started walking towards the concession stands.

"Ok, I know he's your ex-boyfriend and he broke your heart, so I probably shouldn't be saying this," Monroe said, hesitating. "but Brad's hot as hell."

Everly looked over at her in disbelief. "Yeah and he's also a cheater," she said, shaking her head as she hooked her arm through Monroe's and led her towards the hot dog stand.

"Actually, technically he's not a cheater. He broke up with you before he had sex with Amber. You guys were on a break."

Everly looked over at her. "Please tell me you're not defending what he did."

"No, of course not. I don't think it's right that he got drunk and hooked up with your best friend the same night that he dumped you. I'm just stating the facts. He's not a cheater."

"Fine he's not a cheater," Everly said, letting out an exhale as they got in the back of the long line at the concession stand. "But he still had sex with someone else. That's a betrayal of trust."

They both stood there in silence for a minute before Monroe looked over at her. "You have to admit that baseball uniform's hot though. Isn't it?" 

"I always used to think so," Everly said quietly, looking down at her feet. "Not so much anymore."

They stood in silence for a few seconds and when she looked over at Monroe she was smiling and wagging her eyebrows up and down before fanning herself.

Everly laughed, shoving her arm and rolling her eyes.

Everly laughed, shoving her arm and rolling her eyes

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