Ch. 4 - Confronting Brad

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Everly rolled her eyes at him. "Well, this assignment will be interesting," she grumbled. Of course he had to be an asshole. Would it be too much to ask for him to have a face like that and also be sweet? 

She was trying to stay focused on typing up what he had said about love but she kept finding herself sneaking a peek over at him. She had never met anyone like him before and for some reason she found him fascinating.

His cologne was also making it really hard to focus and she realized she had been staring at the same word on her screen for the last minute. Why did he have this effect on her?' she wondered.

"So where and when do you want to meet up to finish working on this?" she finally asked.

"Why don't you just come by my dorm room tonight at four? I'll text you the hall and room number."

He handed her his phone and she added herself as a contact before handing it back. The thought of being in Keaton's dorm room alone with him made her feel flushed and nervous.

After class Everly went back to her room and worked on her art assignment even though she didn't have art again until the day after tomorrow. She wanted to work ahead and get it done and over with or else she would have trouble sleeping.

She looked online and found all the artwork that inspired her; pieces from Michelangelo, Davinci, Monet, Van Gogh and several others. When she thought about what made them so famous in their time it was so hard to decide.

After giving it a lot of thought, she ended up coming to the conclusion that they were so great because their art made you feel something, you were moved by it and felt the emotion from it. That's why she remembered these artworks years later because of the way they made her feel. She wondered if her art made people feel anything.

Her phone rang and she didn't recognize the number. She answered it, expecting it to be Keaton telling her his room number or something.

"Everly, it's Brad. PLEASE don't hang up! I need to explain myself!" he begged desperately. 

She took a deep breath in and let it out, feeling aggravated that he called from someone else's phone to trick her into answering. 

"You moving to New York made it feel like I didn't matter to you and I just lost it because you mean everything to me. When Amber found out we broke up, she invited me over to talk and make sure I was okay. She got me really drunk and started coming on to me and I wasn't thinking clearly. I was trashed," he cried. "She caught me in a moment of weakness and took advantage of it, but it was a mistake. I'll do anything to get you back," he sniffled. "I love you Ev. I always have."

Hearing him cry didn't make her feel sorry for him. It just made her angry. She narrowed her eyes and said, "If you really loved me you wouldn't have tried to get me to give up NYU when you knew it was my dream," she growled with a clenched fist and tight jaw. "And you sure as hell wouldn't have had sex with Amber! I don't give a shit if we were broken up or not. You don't have sex with the best friend of someone you supposedly love!" she shouted, feeling her eyes fill with tears.

"I know Ev. I know. I was a selfish asshole and I'm sorry. I'm so sorry," he sobbed. 

She sat there thinking for a second, taking a deep breath in and letting it out before saying quietly, "I still can't believe you did this to me, especially with Amber. The thought of you being with her like that just makes me feel sick," she said softly, with her voice quivering and tears filling her eyes before one streamed down her cheek. She sniffled and struggled to catch her breath.

He was quiet for a minute before he finally spoke. "You're the most important person in my life and I don't want to lose you," he said softly with a sniffle. "I can't. I couldn't even imagine my life without you Ev." 

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