Ch. 19 - Catching up with Monroe

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When Everly walked into her dorm room, she had a big smile on her face and she was happy to see that her roommate was there.

"Hey girl! You didn't come home last night," Monroe said. Then she studied her and raised an eyebrow, looking at her with a devilish smirk. "Do you have something to tell me?"

Everly laughed awkwardly and her face blushed as she flopped down onto her bed. 

"Oh my gosh!" Monroe shrieked, before walking over and plopping down onto the bed beside her. "You had sex didn't you?!" she asked with wide eyes. 

That made Everly blush even more. "Is it that obvious?" she laughed. 

Monroe gasped and smacked her arm. "You did!" Then her face got serious and she said, "If you tell me it was with Brad I'm going to kill you." 

Everly scrunched up her face. "Ewww. No! Not with Brad," she laughed. Then she smiled again and said, "It was Keaton."

"So apparently your 'just friends' deal is really working out," she said sarcastically with a laugh.  

"Actually," Everly said with a big smile. "He asked me to be his girlfriend." 

Monroe gasped again. "What?! Are you serious E? Awwww. I'm so happy for you!" she said, giving her a tight hug, with the biggest smile. Then she said, "So you've gotta spill. How was the sex? Was it good?" 

"Well it was my first time so I have nothing to compare it to, but yeah," she said with a smile. "It was REALLY good." 

Monroe shook her head. "I knew it. He looks like that AND he's good in bed. You lucky bitch," she sighed.

Everly laughed and smacked her arm again, rolling her eyes with a smile.  

They sat there in silence for a second before Monroe said, "I can't believe you and Mr. Hottie are official now. I'm sure hearts are going to be broken all over campus when they find out. Especially Brad's," she laughed.  

Everly laughed too and rolled her eyes. 

"Hey, speaking of Brad. He has his first baseball game today and I have to cover it for the newspaper. I was wondering if you'd go with me? I asked Keaton but he shot me down big time."

"You asked Keaton to go with you to Brad's game? And you thought he would say yes?" she laughed hysterically, throwing her head back and slapping her knee. 

"Okay, okay. I get the point. It was dumb," Everly laughed. "So will you go?" 

"Hmmmm. I'm not a fan of baseball but I guess I'll go," she shrugged. "Just so you don't have to go alone." She pointed her finger at her and said, "but you owe me."

Everly smiled and said, "I'll do your laundry for you this week. Deal?" 

"Hey that's a deal," Monroe said with a smile. 

Everly stood up and walked over to her closet. "Now I just have to find something nice to wear because I'm going out to dinner with Keaton and his Dad after the game."

She rummaged through her closet to find the few dresses she brought with her to college. 

"Do you like this dress or this dress better?" she asked Monroe, holding them both up.

"Hmmm. The blue one. It'll look sick on you."

Everly put it on and looked in the mirror complaining, "Ugh! My boobs are too big for this dress. It makes me look like a potato!"

Monroe rolled her eyes and groaned. "Bitch! You had the two hottest men I've ever seen in my life literally fist fighting over you, so I don't want to hear any complaints about how you look! Meanwhile I'm over here deciding whether to go out with Chuck from Quick E-lube with male pattern baldness and a five head or his friend Ben who works at Taco Bell, drives a shitbox and thinks he's the next Machine Gun Kelly, when he actually raps worse than my grandma. Not great choices!"

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