Ch. 24 - A Lazy Sunday with Keaton

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"You're asking me if I'm okay with you going to visit the Yankees with Brad?" Keaton asked, taking a sip of his coffee. "Why? You don't need my permission."

"I know. It's just that I would have to hang out with Brad all day, following him around and documenting everything he does. I mean, I LOVE the Yankees, so a chance to meet the players and coach is like my dream come true," she said, taking a breath in with a smile. Then she looked over at him and her smile slowly faded as she said, "But I'll turn it down and tell my boss I can't do it, if me hanging out with Brad all day would bother you. I'll tell him to find somebody else to write it, even if they know nothing about baseball."

Keaton looked at her and sat there thinking about it for a minute.

"This means a lot to you doesn't it?" he asked, studying her face. 

"Yeah," she nodded. "It really does." 

"And if you didn't get to go, it would break your heart?" he asked. 

"Yeah," she said quietly, looking down and letting out an exhale

"If it means that much to you and you're that big of a Yankees fan, I'm surprised you would be willing to turn down a chance to meet them for me," Keaton said, rubbing on her back.

She fidgeted with her fingernails and then raised her head to look at him. "Well. Yeah. As much as I love the Yankees and baseball, you mean more to me than they do."

He searched her eyes and she wondered what he was thinking. 

"How could I say no to that?" he asked softly, reaching up and tucking a hair behind her ear. "When you're happy I'm happy. I want you to go."

"Really?!" she gasped, throwing her arms around him. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!" she squealed, jumping up off the bed and doing a celebration dance. 

He laughed and pulled her towards him back onto the bed, wrapping her up in his arms and giving her a kiss. She looked at him with a smile and asked, "Did I happen to mention I love you?" 

"Maybe once or twice," he said with a smile, leaning in and giving her a kiss. 

She had fully expected him to say no because he would be too jealous about her sharing such a special moment with Brad, and she was fully prepared to not go if Keaton didn't want her to, but she was really relieved and excited that he said yes.

After a few more kisses Keaton picked up the laptop again and found their English literature assignment on the website and wrote it down.

"Ok. Let's work on that later. I want to do my drawing of you first," she told him. "Just sit there and watch TV and try to be really still."

"Ok. Sure."

Keaton sat back against her bed and turned on Game of Thrones while Everly got out her drawing pencils and sketch book and sat down across from him. She studied his features closely as she drew. He had a perfectly symmetrical face which is very rare and his dark blue eyes were so striking. His nose was strong and masculine and his jawline was perfectly chiseled and defined. If someone could create the perfect male face it would be his.

Everly's expertise was hyper-realistic drawings that look like photos but those usually take at least twenty to thirty hours minimum. She obviously didn't have that kind of time. so this was going to be a normal sketch, but she was going to make it as realistic as possible in the time she had. She colored it in and used several different layers of colored pencils to create a realistic flesh tone.

After a couple hours she was done. She sat back and looked at her drawing and was happy with how much it captured Keaton's essence and it looked just like him and showed how handsome he really was. This one might get her professor's attention, she thought.

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