Chapter 87.

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"Yours was the first face that I saw

I think I was blind before I met you

I don't know where I am, I don't know where I've been

But I know where I want to go

And so I'd thought I'd let you know

That these things take forever, I especially am slow

But I realized that need you

And I wondered if I could come home"


It's been a week since the day we went to see Maurine, and it's Christmas Eve.

Harry and I had spoken about what we could do, to help her or to figure out another option but two days after we saw her, a package turned up in the mail addressed to Harry and I.

When we opened it, it was a small box containing four crystals, two black and two pink and a small note.

"Abby & Harry,

I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to say goodbye in person, but I wanted you to have these.

The black crystals are Black Tourmaline, they're for protection, keep them with you.

The pink crystals are Rose Quartz, one for each of you, because I wanted you to be able to carry around the love I have for both of you.

I know you might think these are just superstitious nutty nonsense, but just humour an old gal and keep them with you, will ya?

It's been a pleasure and honour knowing both of you, stay safe and don't let other people's darkness ruin your light.

Love Always,

Maurine (Mauzie to you Harry)"

Harry and I went to the coffee shop, to try and reason with her again but my heart sank when we got there to find the windows and door boarded up, with a large 'Business Closed' sign painted on the door.

We had no way of figuring out where she went, or when she left exactly, for all we know it was the last time we saw her. But it cemented in the fact that she was really gone and all I could do was hope with everything I had that David never finds her.

I hope she's having the time of her life right now though, wherever she is. I'm still heart broken however and I can tell Harry is too, even if he can't show it.

But I guess all we can do is be there for each other and hope for the best.

Today was my last day at work, I had the week off until New Year's, some lovely volunteers come in over Christmas to give the staff a break.

Harry had come in a bit early to pick me up, giving me that bright charismatic smile as he walked through the door.

While this week has still been stressful, and that black cloud has been hovering in the background; for all other intensive purposes it's been a good week, albeit sad because of Maurine but all things considered it's been one of the better weeks.

Today didn't go how I expected it would though, not that I can really expect anything these days; but as I'm sat in the front seat of Harrys car driving us home, my chest feels like its about to rupture.

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