Chapter 1.

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"High as the heavenly sea
Low lays the devil in me"


Three Years Later.

"Expect the unexpected"


"Fuck that hurts" he hisses through his teeth, and I bite down on my lip not to smile at how ridiculous he's being.

"It's the first line, you need to relax, focus on something else" I reassure softly, brushing his long hair out of his face.

"A kiss might help" he smiles coyly, then immediately grimaces and curses as the tattooist continues with another line.

I smile sympathetically as I lean down and press a quick kiss to his soft lips "It's only small, it won't take long, Jacobs really fast"

I glance towards Jacob, who's fighting rolling his eyes as he continues the tattoo.

It's literally only two words, I have no idea how he got through his other tattoos if this is how he acted with them.

"You know as my girlfriend you're not meant to find it funny when I'm in pain" he huffs out with his teeth clenched, watching my face as I bring my hand up to cover my mouth and hide my smile.

I clear my throat, wiping my hand away to show a serious expression "It's not funny, I promise"

"Shit!" he hisses again, his voice cracking at a high pitch, twitching at the pain he's in.

I snort, slapping my hand over my mouth again, earning a glare from him.

"Mate you need to keep still, otherwise this is going to say 'Dag Free' instead of 'Drug Free'" Jacob says flatly, pausing the machine and trying his best to cover how fed up he is with tattooing my whining boyfriend.

I look at Jacob with an apologetic smile, mouthing 'I'm sorry', and he presses his lips together shaking his head as he starts tattooing again.

Jacob was doing me a favour tattooing Andy, I may have used the fact he was dating my best friend to my advantage to convince him to do it, considering he isn't the biggest fan of him.

Andy is sweet, but his personality tends to rub some people the wrong way, Jacob definitely being one of those people, I know I'm going to owe him a lot for this.

I'm already paying him double.

"How about I go get you a drink, or something sweet to take your mind off it?" I suggest, running my hands through his hair to try and sooth him.

I'll admit, he's acting like a giant baby right now, it's only on his wrist and I know Jacob isn't a heavy handed tattooist.

Although... I wouldn't put it past him to be drilling the needle in a bit more just out of annoyance that he's having to do this.

I would have never thought I would be someone that knew anything about tattoos, let alone have them myself. It's amazing what can happen a few years.

Andy nods, giving me a sad puppy look with those big brown eyes of his "That'd help, I need something, this is unbearable"

Christ you'd think he's giving birth, not getting a tattoo the size of a pack of gum.

I keep my thoughts to myself at how dramatic he's being, standing from my seat next to him "I'll be back soon, it'll be done before you know it"

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