Chapter 58.

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"I'm giving you, On count of three

To show your stuff
Or let it be
I'm telling you
Just watch your mouth
I know your game
What you're about"



"Gum?" Jimmy extends an open packet over to me as we lean against my car a few blocks down from where we're headed.

I look to him, cocking my brow "Sure"

I pluck a piece from the packet, unwrapping it, slipping in onto my tongue as I pull it into my mouth.

Jimmy is on his second packet of gum since I picked him up this morning, I assume he's trying to quit smoking again.

"What time is it?" he asks, unwrapping another piece of gum to chew on.

I pull my phone out, and sigh "Just hit 9am"

"Should we start walking there now?" he asks, pulling his sunglasses down from his head in front of his eyes.

"Yeah, let's go" I adjust the satchel bag on my shoulder, before pulling my flask out of my back pocket, and bringing it to my lips taking a large swig from it.

Jimmy tilts his head at me, raising his brows "Guess I'll be driving you home then?"

I take another long drink, leaving it over half empty as I pull my lips tight over my teeth when I swallow, feeling it coat my throat as I shrug "Guess so"

I shove it back in my pocket, as we push off the car and Jimmy slides on his suit jacket he had resting on the hood.

"Did you call the guys in the security, tell em what time to pause the security cameras?" I check, shoving my hands in my pocket as we start to walk up the busy city street.

Jimmy scoffs, spitting his gum into a trash can as we pass it and pulls a toothpick out of his jacket pocket, placing it in the corner of his mouth "Ye of little faith my friend, of course I fucking did"

I roll my eyes, keeping my gaze straight ahead as I glare at people to move out of our way as we walk, but to be fair most of them part like the red sea in the crowd anyway at the sight of Jimmy and I.

" sure you're ready to see him?" he asks, glancing at me before he smiles and twinkles his fingers at a lady that passes us with a terrified expression.

"Doesn't matter if I'm not, he went to Abbys fucking work, he's lucky I didn't just walk into his fucking house last night and shoot him" I say lowly, clenching my fists and releasing them at the thought of him anywhere near her.

It took everything in me not to hunt him down last night when she told me what happened, and while he didn't directly threaten her, that's exactly what him showing up there was.

He wanted me to know he knew where she worked, that he could get to her.

I know that little bitch Andy told him what happened to save his ass, the little snitch, I knew he was stupid but I didn't realise he was that stupid.

I felt that same nauseous feeling I did the night I heard that voicemail, I want to keep her safe, and no matter how much I need her, I know that I'd lose her in my life to protect her than to lose her completely because of someone like him.

That fucker has no idea what door he's just opened for himself.

I'm not a little kid that can't defend myself any more, I'm a grown man, a fucking crazy one thanks to him.

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