Chapter 19: Miles in Custody

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The minute I told him my opinion, Miles looked at me like I was stupid. "Mia, what are you talking about-"

"You know what I mean, Miles." I said impatiently.

"The last time I went to the University of Nebraska, Cameron's girlfriend mentioned a birthday party."

I slipped my hand into my pocket, take out my phone, and showed the photo of the list to Miles.

"Do you know what this is, right?" I asked, pointing my finger to the screen.

He bit his lip and stared at me.

So, he does know. I thought.

"I know this sounds very strange," I continued. "But according to this detailed list, I noticed that each location matches the destinations of the bodies were found."

"And you think I am the one who went to that stupid party?" Miles taunted.

"I don't know, did you?" I ask.

Miles sighed, but said that he didn't went to the party.

"Then where were you, before Cameron was killed?" I ask.

"And this time, don't lie to my face."

Miles snorted a laugh then leaned to my face.

"Or what?" he smirked.

I inhaled a deep breath then exhaled.

"Or, I have a beautiful taser with your name written all over it." I threatened carefully.

"You wouldn't dare-" he chuckled.

Calmly, I took my taser out of my bag and turned it on,  just to see if he is scared.

Based on the sweat appearing on his forehead, the twisted look on his lips, and the fear in his eyes, Miles is very afraid of me.

I slipped the device inside my knapsack and pointed to my phone screen.

"Miles," I began. "You and I both know that you didn't kill all those football players."

He raised his eyebrow in suspicion.

"Yes, I did." he insisted.

Sighing, I leaned back against my chair.

This guy is hiding something, I thought.

"No, you didn't; you just admitted to me that you never went to that birthday party."

"Where is Wesley, by the way?"

Miles took a deep breath.

"Okay fine," he sighed. "I didn't kill those jocks."

I gave him an unsurprised look.

"You didn't answer my other question." I reminded.

"Wesley died in a school shooting the before the party started. And besides, he didn't even write that list: Cameron did."

Cameron Davis wrote that list? I thought.

"That doesn't make any sense," I said. "His grandmother told me that he is a sweet kid, so did his girlfriend-"

"Beverly," he interrupted. "That's his girlfriend's name."

Now, I am suddenly confused.

"What about the boys you supposedly murdered?" I asked. 

"I did kill them," Miles admitted. "They're witnesses. They were going to tell everything."

I rose my eyebrow.

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