Chapter 2: IHOP

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The next morning, I wake to find Ben, lifting my bedroom window.

"You're leaving already?" I asked in disbelief. "Ben, stay for breakfast. I'm making blueberry pancakes, your favorite."

Ben gave me a sad smile. "I'm sorry, but there's a sarcastic little brother to take care of and textbooks to memorize."

He gave me a warm hug and promised me to call him after breakfast. "Got it," I insisted. "But at least stay for pancakes. I'll even save a plate for Seth."

Ben gave me another smile and crawled out of the window. Happily, I leaped out of bed covers and hastily start my day. After making my bed, I brushed my teeth, and changed into my casual plaid red t-shirt, jeans, and combat boots.

I placed the gray beanie on my head then escalated downstairs. As always, Mom was working tirelessly in the kitchen, making pancakes. Unlike my dream, she wore a stunning black dress and neon yellow heels. Her hair was into a elongated ponytail and her nails were painted in a creamy corn yellow.

She looks like she has gotten her fashion advice from a Queen Bee.

"Hey Mom," I greeted. "Can I take over the stove for a minute? I want to make some pancakes for Ben and Seth."

As soon as she heard me, Mom turn her head away from the frying pan to look in my direction. "I would love for you to cook breakfast for the boys." she beamed.

"However, I am worried that you...still have feelings for Ben."

Of course she's worried about me and Ben: he only broke up with me because he hates long distant relationships. I took out the white plates out of the cupboard and set them on the white kitchen counter.

"Don't worry about it," I reassured. "Ben and I are just friends."

Mom tilted her head for a minute then asked if everything is okay. "I'm fine," I lied. "So, is there something going on in San Francisco Chronicles?"

Before we left Michigan, Mom works in a newspaper business while Dad, however, works as a police officer until he had an affair with Stacy, my former future stepmom.

Ever since Ben and I solved the Caught case, I stopped contacting Dad, not because he embraced his dark demons as a criminal, but also Mom wanted me to stay far away from him as possible.

She shook her head then placed a huge blueberry pancake, scrambled eggs, and two strips of cooked bacon. "Thank you," I said, taking the plate from her hand.

Mom smiled back and left me to set the table. After filling my cup with orange juice, I sat down and munched on my breakfast. Meanwhile, she carried her dish to the table and filled her mug with black coffee.

Black coffee was Ben's favorite drink, but sometimes he puts two bags of sugar to get rid of the bitter taste. I watched as Mom sipped her beverage and dig into her eggs.

"Speaking of which, I have some exciting news." Mom began. "Since today is Saturday, we are going on a road trip to Nebraska."

Nebraska? I thought. "How come?" I asked.

She gave me a long look before cutting her pancake with a fork and a blunt knife.

"We are paying Aunt Jessica a visit." Mom answered.

"Your uncle passed away last weekend, you and I both know that."

The minute Uncle Franklin died of heart failure, Mom and I wasted no time putting on dark dresses and driving to Aunt Jessica's cottage, where she held her husband's funeral.

I could still remember the traces of dust as we stepped inside the rickety old house.

"What day was the funeral?" I asked, wrinkling my nose.

"Last Sunday," Mom answered with a deadpan look. "Your aunt hasn't been the same ever since."

"Are you sure this has nothing to do with Treasured case?"

That was when Mom's crimson lips formed a straight line. "Nicole." she said sternly. "We must never speak of it. Got it?"

"Mom-" I began. Just then, someone rang the doorbell. "Coming," I muttered, getting up from my chair. I open the door to find Ben and Seth standing in front of the entrance.

While Ben wore the same gray pajamas, Seth wears his black t-shirt and red pants. His copper hair was disheveled, his dark freckles sprinkled over his nose, and his brown eyes were huge.

As soon as Seth looked into my eyes, he gave me a flirtatious wink. "Hey cutie," he greeted. "Ben told me that you make the best pancakes in the world. Today is your lucky day."

I stifled a moan while Ben's pale face turned bright red. "Seth, would you please stop flirting with Cole?" Ben asked. His younger brother glared at Ben for a moment.

"Just because you two broke up, doesn't mean that I have a chance with her."

"For the last time, I am not interested in you." I sighed. "You're sixteen."

"And a half," Seth added sheepishly, earning Ben a look.

"No, you're not-" Ben insisted

"Hey guys," I began, cutting the boys off. "Do you want to come inside, or do want to rank my hotness on a scale of one to ten?"

The siblings looked at each other then awkwardly took their seats in the dining table. Meanwhile, Mom rushed over to her side of the table, devoured her breakfast in two bites, and kissed me goodbye.

"See you around, sweetie!" she beamed. "I expect you to pack your things after your breakfast."

With a quick wink, Mom gathered her black handbags and left the house. While Ben sat stiffly on the black leather chair, Seth picked out a blueberry from my half eaten pancake and ate it.

"Going on a field trip?" Seth asked. I nodded as I took the boxes of pancake flour, eggs, bacon, and other supplies then set them on the kitchen counter.

"My mom and I are going to Nebraska to meet my aunt," I explained, preparing the pancake batter. Ben wanted to help, but I politely tell him to sit down and relax.

Within a few hours, I carried the plates full of sweet smelling breakfast and set them in front of the boys.

"Okay, who's ready to eat?" I ask eagerly.

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