Chapter 3: Still in Love

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After breakfast, I cleaned the dishes while Ben and Seth wiped the table clean. It was like their gratitude for cooking the best breakfast in the entire world. As I placed the cups in the dish rack, I asked Seth how his studies were coming along.

"Good as usual," he answered. "My online teachers are starting to think I can handle it." Like his older brother, Seth was a mystery to me. When he was little, he never set foot in an actual classroom.

Regardless, Seth received perfect scores on his online classes. On his free time, he hacks into people's electronics in order to get justice for others who have been deceived on the Internet, like fraud or embezzlement.

Ben and I often use his skills to find more information about suspects, corruption, or even get into people's websites. Although Ben hacks into electronics, he didn't much experience with computers as his younger brother.

Seth stretched his arms and yawned. It was like he didn't get enough sleep.

"Thanks for the breakfast, Cole." he said. "You're a better cook than Ben."

Ben glared at Seth for a minute then told him to shut up.

"Don't you have any homework or something?"

Seth shook his head and crossed his arms. "I already completed it, Nanny McPhee. And besides, I am going to the beach with Josh, remember?"

My eyes widened at the news. "You're going to the beach?" I asked.

Seth nodded smugly. "Josh promised me that there is going to be food, sun, and two words: bikinis." I groaned at that word: he's more immature than I thought.

"Anyways," he continued. "I have to get ready, but while I am enjoying the summer, please stay away from any boy that's not Ben."

"What?" I scoffed. Seth let out a sigh then placed a hand on my shoulder.

"I am going to be really honest with you." he began. "Just because Ben is no longer in love with you, doesn't mean that you have to make him jealous."

Ben and I glared at him for a while.

"I am not going to be jealous of Cole dating someone." Ben insisted. "I am happy for her."

"The last time Cole dated Zack, I could have sworn you never contacted her until she broke up with him."

I blushed fiercely then stared at the floor. I like Seth sometimes, but it comes to honesty, he gets blunt and sarcastic.

"It's going to be fine, Seth." I reassured. "I promise you that everything is going to be okay for your brother and me."

A shy smile appeared on his lips.

"Okay," he responded. "But it goes downhill, I am going to say I told you-"
Ben playfully shoved Seth out of the door.

After Seth leaves the house, we stared quietly at each other. "So, what are you doing this weekend?" I asked hesitantly.

Ben scratches his head and shrugged. "I guess, read Sherlock Holmes or write a few details in my case journal-"

"Do want to go to Nebraska with me?" I blurted. Just as I suspected, Ben looked at me strangely.

"Sure," Ben began slowly. "But, why do you want me to drop everything and go to Nebraska?"

"Is it something that Seth said earlier?"

"No," I answered. "I just want us to do something together as friends."

"Nicole, the last time we went to meet your relatives, someone died and it took blood, sweat, and stealing to find Dennis."

Ben does have a point. "I know," I agreed. "And Mom wouldn't let me visit Dad in prison because of what he did."

"Especially the time when he pulled a gun on me, but at least she lets me visit Grandma and Grandpa."

He gave me a reassuring smile then asked how they were doing. "They're fine." I answered, "Right now they are doing community service."

"That's good," replied Ben."Since I recently turned eighteen, the court decided to leave me alone."

"But Seth, however, they are making sure he doesn't mess up."

Ben and Seth's parents died when they were little, leaving them with their treacherous social worker, Ms. Caroline. Because of her, the Hamilton siblings have a terrible childhood.

"Should I pack up right now?" he asked.

"Do it whenever you feel comfortable," I insisted.

"Cool," he said. "I'll see you later."

After a quick goodbye, Ben left the house and head over to his place.

The first time I met Ben was the day I moved to San Francisco:  I remembered that he introduced me as Luke, and that he never told me anything specific about his past.

But still, I was attracted to him in an indescribable way. We traded jokes, love of mysteries, and dreams of going to college. The more we talked, the more we stopped becoming friends and became Bonnie and Clyde.

As a sweet boyfriend, Ben texts me quotes out of Pride and Prejudice, Sherlock Holmes, and other novels. We resumed solving crimes and went to libraries together, almost as if it was a date.

But since we got accepted to our dream colleges, Ben and I broke up because we feared of losing each other.

As his girlfriend, I hated the idea of Ben meeting some other girl, but as his best friend, I support his decision. However, it didn't mean that we stopped being friends.

Sighing aloud, I went upstairs to my blue bedroom then buried face into my pillow. I closed my eyes tightly and saw nothing but darkness.

But just then, I saw Ben's handsome freckled face in the void. His green eyes glimmered and his lips formed a mysterious smile. The thought of his British voice made my heart melt.

"STUPID IDIOT!" I muffled. Ben is no longer my boyfriend, but why do I have feelings for him? I scooped up my phone on my nightstand and scrolled through some old texts.

I watch as words zipped across the screen like shooting stars. I kept going until I saw a quote from Pride and Prejudice:

"You must allow me to tell you how ardently I admire and love you." 

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