Chapter 14: Off to College

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After breakfast, we cleaned the plates and went up the stairway. Well, until Aunt Jessica blocked  our path. She stood in front of the entrance with her hands on her hips.

"What are you two going to do?" Aunt Jessica asked.

"Are you guys going to make out again?"

I blushed furiously while Ben bit his lip.

"Of course not," he answered, embarrassed.

"No!" I wailed. "We're just friends!"

An arc formed on her blond eyebrow. Oh crap, I wanted to moan. Aunt Jess then took me by the hand and lead me into the bathroom.

It had white walls, soft gray tiles, and small appliances.

Like every bathroom, it has a sink and a marble bathtub, which pink shower curtains draped the surface.

She closed the door and turned to me, looking like a triumphant villain.

"So, you did kiss him last night?" she squealed.

Just then, a thought came to her.

"You two didn't have sex, right?" she asked. "Are you using protection?"

"Eww!" I shrieked. "Aunt Jess-"

That's when she interrupted me. "Look, it's normal if you're attracted to a guy that way. I remember when I was your age-"

"Can I please leave?" I insisted. "I have something to do with Ben."

I was about to get out of the room until Aunt Jess placed her hand on the door.

"You cannot leave the bathroom without knowing what sex is!" she said sternly.

"I do know what sex is!" I argued. "I had the talk with Mom, I read The Birds and the Bees, I even watched a seven hour documentary about it. Can I please go?"

Aunt Jess stared at me before slowly opening the door.

"Thank you," I exclaimed.

"But after you come back, we're doing safe exercises-"

"Goodbye," I interrupted.

I kissed her on the cheek, and dashed out of the bathroom.

The minute I left Aunt Jess alone in the bathroom, Ben stood against the wall, flipping the pages of the school yearbook.

His lips mumbled the inked words as he tries to stuff the information in his head.

  "What's with your Aunt?" he asked.

I did a casual shrug.

"Anyway," I said. "How's the reading?"

Ben flipped the pages quickly until he reached to the back cover.

"I memorized the entire thing," he said. "I also packed your yearbook in your knapsack."

"You know you didn't have to do that," I reassured.

"I wanted to," Ben shrugged. "That's what friends are for."

I smiled then brushed the strand of hair out of my eyes.

"Besides, I like taking care of you." he flirted.

I immediately blushed then shook my head.

"Ugh," I groaned.

"If we're going to be friends, you need to stop using your British charms on me."

"Why?" Ben asked. "Girls like my charms."

I scoffed at this. He is such a show off, I thought.

"Not all girls, Ben." I snorted. "First of all, stop looking at me that way."

Ben gave me a confused look.

"Like what?" he asked.

"Like a Romeo," I explained. "You keep twinkling your eyes when you see me."

He thought about my response for a moment.

"Do eyes have twinkles?" he joked.

"I don't know," I say. "I read mystery novels, not romance."

"Alright," he confirmed. "I'll stop looking at you that way, if you stop smelling like gingerbread cookies."

I smell like gingerbread cookies? I thought.

I sniffed my t-shirt and shook my head. It smelled like laundry detergent and lavender rather than cookies.

"I don't smell like cookies," I said, squinting at Ben.

"What do you mean by that?"

When he opened his mouth to speak, his phone  beeped inside his pocket.

Sighing, he reached into his pocket and answered it.

"Hello?" Ben asked.

"It's me, Seth." the voice answered. "I got the addresses to the University of Nebraska and the hospital."

I'm guessing Ben is keeping his brother up to speed.

"Can you send them to us?" I asked.

"I already did," he said. "Any more requests?"

"We're looking for someone who might be out for the football players." I explained.

"Maybe someone withdrawn, shy, what about with a horrible childhood?"

"So, you want me to search through databases and find the guy?" Seth guessed.

"Yeah," I answered.

"Okay," Seth said. "Your mom says hello, she misses you."

"Tell her I miss her back," I replied.

"Will do, Janet Jackson." Seth insisted.

Afterwards, Ben hangs up his cell and goes upstairs to change.

He comes back wearing a black t-shirt, jeans, and black sneakers.

"I guess it's my turn," I said, marching up the stairs.

"I'll be at the hospital," Ben said, putting on his black knapsack.

"I'll text you the details."

As soon as he left, I walked back upstairs and changed into my casuals.

I wore a red t-shirt, skinny jeans, and leather black boots.

Later, I shook my dark ombre curls, and took my black leather knapsack.

But before I head out the door, I looked behind my shoulder.

"Aunt Jess," I called. "I'm going out!"

"Okay," she responded back. "But stay close to the sidewalk!"

With a deep breath, I walked out of the house and shut the door behind me.

Looking up, I could see a golden coin rose behind the clouds.

Even though it was seven o'clock, the sun acts like it couldn't wait another second.

I took out my phone and noticed the address that Seth had sent me. "Thanks Seth," I typed. "You're the best."

Stuffing my cell in my pocket, I stretched my arms. Since Aunt Jess' cars need repairs, I'm going to have to travel on foot.

I didn't have a problem finding the college, I knew it was at least a few blocks away from the cottage.

Just keep heading right, I advised. I also need to  stay on the sidewalk, unless I want to be roadkill.

Suddenly, I heard a loud car horn. I look to see a shambled brown car, slowing right beside me.

The taillights had been shattered, and the right side door was rusted. But other than that, the engine purrs like a dream.

The dark tinted window slid down as a young, male college student smiled at me.

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