Chapter 17: It's all my fault.

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After I spoke with the doctor and told him everything that was on my mind, I was kind of relieved since a huge weight lifted off my shoulders. He gave me some wise advice which made me realize that a lot of things were mysterious in this world but being a part of them wasn't impossible. Just like me being surrounded by werewolves all the time...

As soon as we finished our little talk, he went out but immediately entered again with a smile.

"You have visitors, do you want to see them now or after you get some rest?" He said calmly with a little smile reassuring me.

"Visitors? I have visitors?"

"Yes, they're worried about you." I had visitors? People other than my family who worried about me. This was very interesting...

"Bring them in." I beamed at him wanting to meet who might be worried about me.

"Luna are you alright?" I heard a familiar voice say before seeing the familiar face of the owner. Theo and Maya came in slowly closing the door behind them while Maya rushed to my side and hugged me.

"Oh my god, we were so worried about you! If you saw what we saw back there, you'd freak." She said with watery eyes while Theo sat next to her and hugged her side.

"Uhm thank you, I'm better now." I said. I didn't know what to say in these cases, I always turned the situation more awkward. But I suddenly remembered what Maya said yesterday, something about three guys...

"Hey Maya, you mentioned the names of three guys yesterday, saying you couldn't believe what they did to me." I asked confused. She pinched her nose and shook her head left and right as she heard my sentence.

"These fucking idiots." She mumbled while I laughed at her response. Who were they and what did they do to me?

"Who are they?" I asked curiously while Theo looked at us silently.

"They're the three wolves that ran after you in the woods." She said calmly waiting for my reaction.

Three wolves that ran after me? Oh my god! THE THREE WOLVES THAT ATTACKED ME!

"It wasn't their fault though, they just took orders from the Alpha." She continued while taking my hand and rubbing circles on my knuckles with her thumb.

"Took orders from-OH MY GOD IT ALL MAKES SENSE NOW! Ryan that little shit ordered them to attack me! I can't believe it!" I screamed while looking shocked at the two werewolves in front of me. Theo face palmed himself while Maya looked confused.

"No he didn't order them to attack you. He would never do that! I mean he would do that but not to you. He ordered them to bring you to him by scaring you a little bit."

"Scaring me? A little bit? One of them almost tore my leg off!" I yelled at her in disbelief. How dare he?

"They're very sorry actually. They never meant to hurt you." Theo said trying to reassure me.

"Where can I meet them? I'd like to talk to them." I said a bit calmer this time.

"You'll have to ask the Alpha first." Theo answered as I rolled my eyes and sighed in annoyance.

"What if I don't want to speak to him?" Oh goodness could I be more stubborn?

"Well too bad! He's the only one that knows where their cell is." Cell? Like in jail or something?

"Cell? What Cell?" I asked confused to why would they be in jail.

"He punished them because they hurt you." Maya answered cutting me from my thoughts.

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