Chapter 1: "Shoot...I'm sorry"

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"You're such a naive girl, you know that?" Thomas said as everyone in my class started to laugh.

It was the last day of school, thank goodness, unfortunately I still had to go through graduation, so I'm going to be seeing that jerk again. Oh! How I wish I never see him again... I didn't want to face him because that would be much worse and I would probably end up with tears in my eyes, so I stuck my nose in a book to avoid him and the whole class.

Don't get me wrong, I was not pretending to read, I was actually reading because to be honest books are much more interesting than this reality I was living in... As I was flipping to the next page Thomas snapped the book out of my hands and threw it away, landing on the other side of the class near the trash can.

"You look at me when I'm talking to you, bitch." He scoffed, I still didn't face him for the only reason that I had no confidence and because of a lack of comebacks. I really hated when someone cursed at me, they didn't even have a reason to call me those names in the first place, and I'm obviously not the girl you would call a slut or whore or bitch.

I stood up slowly from my desk, packing my bag and stuff to go take my book, since it was near the door I found it a good reason to walk out the class and sit in the library because it was my last period, and the teacher was absent. But as soon as I walked towards it Thomas held my arm harshly and said "What? escaping already? what a cowardless act, and coward people like you don't belong in this school, nor in this world either." Everyone started 'ooing' at me, little did they know who the true coward is...

I rushed out of the classroom as fast as I could, and went to the library trying to blink my tears away. You're probably wandering why all this bullying, well, four years ago me and my brother transferred to this school, he became popular and I became a nobody, everyone loved him and his funny jokes, I, on the other hand, made bad jokes and horrible puns. People tried to become my friends for the sake of my brother, but as soon as they got to know me they realized that I was the complete opposite of my twin brother Raymond, I was an introverted bookworm who couldn't hold a good conversation, I wasn't funny and people were getting bored of hanging out with me, so they just left, even the friends that said will never leave.

Thomas Parker here was Raymond's best friend but we soon realized the truth after he filled the teachers' lounge room and principal's office with shaving cream and blamed my brother for it, which got Ray expelled. Thomas took this as an advantage to start bullying me since Ray wasn't here anymore to defend me. Two years later my mom died in a car accident, when the school knew about this, the bullies stopped for a while but continued later, and since then it never stopped. I don't know why but they keep on calling me naive, but hell if I care...

As I arrived to the library, Mrs. Carter the librarian greeted me with a concerned look, she knows that Thomas has been bullying me the past couple of years and tried helping me but the school just shrugged it off because it never came to physical violence. She also knows my mother's accident and cares for me because she knows that I'm still mourning her loss and it hasn't been easy for me, so I spend all my breaks and free periods in here. God! I am so anti-social that I even spend my lunch breaks in there eating my sandwich alone while enjoying a good book.

"Hello Lou, how can I help you?" She said sweetly.

"Well, I was bored in class and decided to pay you a visit for the last time, any suggestions for a book I should read in this particular vacation?" I obviously lied.

"Actually darling, there is this book I think you'll like, I don't have it but I can give you the address of the bookstore that sells it." She said while writing the name of the book and the address of the bookstore on a piece of paper.

"Thank you very much Mrs. Carter." I said, happy that at least someone finds books interesting just like I do.

I took the piece of paper and walked to the usual table I always sit on, located in the middle of the room just next to the window. As I sat down, I looked at the blue clock on the wall, it was 2:30 pm I still had half an hour until the last period bell rings, and I would go home and finally just sit comfortably on my bed and just sleep, or maybe I could watch some TV or even better, I could start watching a new TV show this evening . Hell! I could do anything since the house was all mine.

I almost forgot that my father and Ray flew to California last week to visit my aunt Claire, I didn't go with them because I still didn't finish school, they hesitated a little but when I told them I wanted to stay at home for summer and that I would be fine, they were relieved.
Of course Ray had made fun of my loneliness and me being, well, my boring self but I knew he was just teasing me, there are people that are worse than me, right?

Thankfully, the house was all mine now, I could finally have some calm and quiet.

As the last period bell rang, I had just finished the book I was reading and started packing my bag, I headed out of the school gates and made my way to my house. I then remembered the piece of paper that Mrs. Carter gave me, the one which had the address of the bookstore that sold the book she advised me to read. I decided that it wasn't a bad idea to go there and buy the book since the shop was not far away from my house.

I do not have a car and I don't need one because I only commuted from my house to school which was not very far away, it was a 10 minutes walk. I found the bookstore and went inside, I didn't want to get distracted by all those new interesting books so I went directly to the guy working there and asked him about it. He nodded and I followed him, he searched a few shelves but eventually found it and gave it to me, I walked to the cashier and bought it, she put it in a plastic bag and I finally went outside to continue my walk home. After a few streets I picked the book from the plastic bag and seemed interested by its cover, it was mysterious.

But let's not judge a book by its cover. See what I did there? No? Okay...
I actually restrained myself from saying that pun aloud.

Not looking up I continued walking and flipped it to the end so I could read the summary. I was halfway through my lecture when I suddenly bumped into a hard wall, until I remembered that there wasn't supposed to be a wall here in the first place, so I looked up and saw the beautiful face I just got blessed with.

It was a guy, in his early twenties. He was tall, had dark brown wavy hair, piercing green eyes and had bags under his eyes, I see someone hasn't been sleeping much lately. He looked so tired and right now, he seemed sad but that immediately turned into anger. His lips were so full and pink, just perfect for a kiss, he had a very sharp, very beautiful jawline that I wanted to retrace with my fingers so badly. His posture was intimidating and I felt weak in front of him while his clothes failed to hide his muscular body. That's when I noticed his wet shirt and in his right hand a now empty cup of coffee, it suddenly hit me, I bumped into him and made him spill his coffee all over himself...

'Stop drooling over him and pull yourself together.' My conscience said and pulled me from my moment of admiration and fangirling.

"Shoot...I'm sorry"


Hey guys,  I hope you enjoy this first chapter, tell me what you think about it and don't be afraid to suggest any ideas and don't forget to vote and comment, thank you <3

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