Mirror Talk

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Mirror Talk

"What in bloody hell happened to you?"

Sirius's face twisted with concern as he stared up into the mirror in his palm.

Beside him, Remus was asleep, curled up with his nose pressed into the nape of Sirius's neck. Pomfrey had kicked him out after a time, but Sirius had snuck back with James's invisibility cloak, which he was laying beneath now. How odd it would look to anyone that went past - seeing Remus hugging on seemingly empty air.

Talking empty air no less.

James stared back from the glass, his face was blotchy and red and his lip a bit swollen and the start of a bruise on his jaw, but his face was euphoric. "Evans give you a bloody lip?"

"Sirius," he groaned, "Oh Sirius. It's happening."

"What's happening? A restraining order? How many meters do you need to keep back, mate? How big a kink is this going to throw in our class schedules?"

"Nooo, Sirius -- it is happening! What'd you call it again? The Jily." He breathed the words in a tone as though he was telling Sirius he'd looked upon the face of God.

Sirius blinked in surprise. "Wait... what?"

"Sirius it was perfect. I got to her house and her mum answered the door and her mum bloody loved me and then Evans showed up and I gave her the snow globe and she loved it and then her sister and her boyfriend were there being rude and I told 'em off and Evans suggested we go for a walk... We walked to a burger shop not far from her house and we ate dinner together, Sirius, and then she was talking about wishing she was at the Yule Ball so I magicked a tree for her and some Christmas music and we danced. I danced with Lily Evans, Sirius! Me! James Potter!!! And then after... Sirius it was her that suggested we kiss and --"

Sirius's eyes were widening through this whole thing and at the word kiss he perked up so much he turned in bed and shook Remus. "Moony, wake up. Moony. You're about to owe me a galleon."

"Bad dog, lay down," murmured Remus in his sleep.

"Sirius -- wait -- don't wake him up," James said, "I didn't kiss her."

Sirius's hand dropped away from Remus's shoulder, who wasn't seeing to want to wake up anyway, and he hissed, "What the fuck do you mean - you didn't kiss her? Lily Evans suggested you kiss and you said no?"

James nodded.

Sirius stared at him for a really long time.

Like a really long time.



"Siriuuuuuuuuus," moaned Remus, "Sleeeeeeeep."

"Moony, my love, I'm sorry, but James has done the most idiot thing you'll ever hear, and when I tell you what he's done in the morning you will be equally appalled." Sirius turned back to the mirror. "You're mad."

James shook his head, "I just couldn't, Sirius. I mean, she was really vulnerable... I could see it in her eyes. She was so bloody sad, mate. I just felt like if I kissed her... that it would forever be in both our minds that I kissed her because her father was gone and that she'd hold it against me one day. You know? Like I'd taken advantage. I wanted to so ruddy bad, but I just couldn't. But I told her, real clear, that I love her and what I intend. I told her when I do kiss her I want it to be forever."

"Listen to you, practically married."

"I know."


The Marauders: Year Five #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now