The Defense Against the Dark Arts Game Show

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The Defense Against the Dark Arts Game Show

Peter didn't come to Defense Against the Dark Arts.

The other four Gryffindor fifth years sat in the classroom, all of them awkwardly positioned away from one another, except Remus, who sat in proximity to the middle, looking rather glum because he was literally the only one of them that had no issues with any of the others and he just wanted everyone to get along. He stared at his parchment, fiddling with the edge of it with his fingertips, his wand laying across the desk.

It was one of the rare days so far that had both Gideon and Fabian Prewett present. Thus far, for the first month of classes, they'd been taking it in turn to cover the class courses, switching off as one would be working doing Ministry duties so the other would come and do the class. Today, they were both available, and they'd planned a great treat.

"Alright, you lot, don't be looking so glum," Fabian announced.

"Yes, time to pep it up a notch," Gideon grinned, "Today we've got a great lesson for you and you're going to want to be on your toes for this one!"

"Assuming you like winning prizes, that is, of course," Fabian added.

James looked up, his arms crossed over his chest, but the word winning perking his interest. At the other end of the row of desks, Sirius, too, looked up - his interest on the word prizes.

"Ah see, yeah, that got their attention, Gid," Fabian said, "Who wants to learn when they can win prizes? Bloody hell, we've been going about this teaching business all wrong."

"Should've done this ages ago, then p'rhaps their grades wouldn't be so bloody terrifying," Gideon agreed.

"Yeah, p'rhaps," Fabian winked.

Sirius, who had been leaning back in his seat per his usual position in classes, brought his feet down to the floor with a thump and sat forward, "What sort of prizes?"

"Grand ones," the twins said together.

"What do we have to do to win?" James asked eagerly.

Fabian grinned, "You have to know your Defense!"

Gideon nodded, "So who's ready? Who wants to go first?"

"Go first at what?" Lily asked.

Remus slouched in his seat.

"Mr. Lupin," Gideon called. "C'mon down... you're our first contestant on the Defense is Right!"

Remus's face burned, "Why me?"

"Random selection, don't get your knickers in a twist. You'll all have a go at it," Fabian said.

Remus got up as Gideon motioned for him to go to the front of the classroom and he stood there awkwardly, facing the other three. He stared at the floor as Fabian put his palms on Remus's shoulders. "Alright, Master Lupin, I'm going to have my brother give us thirty seconds and I'm going to give you a result and you'll tell me what spell caused it. We'll go until we run out of time - every spell you get right gets you a point and when we're finished going through all of you, the two persons with the highest points will move to the next round. Understand?"

"So it's sort of a - a game show?" James asked eagerly. He'd seen game shows on the telly a couple times; Charlus found the muggles on them funny - all getting excited over winning paper money ("How is it even worth a thing, it's made of paper! Give me a gold galleon any day!")

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