Prefect Duties

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Prefect Duties

"Come along, first years!" Lily Evans called, taking Vivian Warshaw's hand in hers. Vivian wore an expression of anticipation and fear, and Macy Struthers quickly grabbed onto Lily's other hand as the boys clustered about Remus Lupin and the procession toward the door began. Remus looked over his shoulder at Sirius as he and James passed, followed by Peter, talking excitedly about the Prewetts. Only Peter noticed Remus, and he paused in the door to give him a thumbs up before turning and scurrying to keep up with the other two on the stairs. "This way, this way to Gryffindor!" Lily called proudly.

They made their way up the staircases, Remus catching onto the hood of Wally Grant's robes just before he ran up over one of the disappearing steps recklessly. "Careful on the stairs," Remus instructed him and he tapped the step with his foot and it vanished. "Things aren't always what they seem at Hogwarts." Wally's eyes were wide.

"WHOA," Dexter Cardwall yelled, "LOOK, THAT PICTURE'S MOVING!"

Liam Harding stared at Dexter, "Well of course it is, what'd you expect them to do, sit about all day? Blimey."

"Well, yeah, sort of!" Dexter said, "What's it moving for? Is it a picture show?"

"The portraits move, yeah," Remus said, "Just like wizarding photographs do."

Darcy McIntire's eyes were wide, "Photographs move here, too?"

Remus reached in his pocket and held out a photo of himself with Sirius, toward the end of summer by Mr. Potter. Sirius had his arm 'round Remus's waist in the photo and they both had wide grins across their faces. They shuffled a bit and photo Remus blinked and laughed as photo Sirius made silly faces and bumped their shoulders together, hugging photo Remus tighter about the waist.

"Whoa," said Dexter.

"Brilliant," whispered Darcy.

Macy and Vivian pulled Lily over to look too and both of them had wide eyes.

"That's a nice picture of the two of you," Lily commented.

They continued up the stairs, pointing out particularly interesting things and landmarks that might help the first years navigate about in the future, and finally they reached the Fat Lady. Lily looked at Remus, "You want to do the honors, Rey?" she offered.

"Absolutely," Remus reached in his pocket, where he'd put the bit of parchment bearing the password, and he stepped between the cluster of firsties, "This is the Fat Lady," he announced. In his mind, he heard the echo of Bilius Weasley telling them in their first year this very same thing...

The Fat Lady was blinking at Remus, "Well," she said, "I suppose it had to be one of you, didn't it?" Remus smiled. The Fat Lady shook her head, "At least it isn't Sirius Black!"

Remus chuckled, "I reckon Dumbledore fancies the castle stays standing."

"Wise of him," the Fat Lady answered. She cast her eyes over the first years. "You lot look like trouble."

"It's my middle name, Trouble," Wally announced.

"Oh-ho!" The Fat Lady said at the cheek from Wally. She looked at Remus, "You and the other Marauders will have a fair bit of competition, it sounds."

"What's the Marauders?" asked Vivian Warshaw.

Lily looked at Remus, then smirked, "Yes, Remus, do explain what the Marauders are."

Seven pairs of eyes turned to Remus Lupin.

He cleared his throat, then said, "Bunch of tossers, really," and turned to the Fat Lady, "Bezoars."

The Marauders: Year Five #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now