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Horace Slughorn's office was decorated nicely, with floating candles and a great big Christmas tree in the corner with faeries and bowtruckles climbing about the branches holding little lanterns to light it up. The fireplace roared and the whole room smelled of savory foods from the great spread he'd laid out. There was a monophone playing a bit of big band music in the corner and all the people Sluggy had invited along were there, milling about, holding champagne flutes filled with sparkling apple cider (Slughorn himself had mead in his).

"Hey you lot," Harry Warbeck said, popping over to greet them. He leaned in, "When are we going to have our next meeting for the Order?"

"Soon, I s'pose," James said. "Maybe one before Christmas."

"Excellent. Alabaster's been having a rough go of it this term in his house. Says he can't go in the common room without a bunch of Slytherins picking on him for being traitor!" Harry shook his head, "I mean, really!"

Remus looked around, "Poor bloke. Is he here?"

Harry Warbeck shook his head. "Only people that Sluggy deems important because of parentage or talent are invited here. Although Regulus Black brought along a friend... his girlfriend, I s'pose -- Maryrose Jenkins."

James stiffened. "They're... together?"

Harry shrugged, "Dunno if they're really together officially or more speculation from everyone. I only know what I hear second hand from the girls."

James frowned and his eyes travelled about the room trying to spot Regulus with Maryrose somewhere, and it took him a moment but finally he spotted them by the monophone, her against the wall, him leaning on one arm before her, smiling at her as they talked... He had the thick, long hair that Sirius had had before Rosier's attack, though his was a bit curlier than Sirius's so that it looked bushier and not quite as good as Sirius's had been. He also had Sirius's jawline and nose... and apparently the same smooth ability to talk to whoever he wanted to, as Regulus was staring at her eyes and Maryrose seemed to be giggling and twirling her fingers through her hair... which, James noticed, was a brilliant shade of emerald and her eyes were a dark golden brown. She seemed to twinkle as they talked.

James felt something akin to jealousy. He didn't like Regulus being with Maryrose. It made him very uncomfortable.

Remus shoved his hands in his pockets. "If I'd know we could get away with bringing along dates, I would have brought Sirius," he muttered.

"It's lovely in here, though, isn't it?" Lily asked, looking around the room. "I mean, for a Slug-Club event."

James nodded and waved his wand so that three of the champagne flutes of cider flew over to them and he quickly knocked his back, as though it actually had alcohol in it, and magicked another over. He ran a hand through his unruly hair.

Slughorn spotted them then and came over and clapped a thick hand over James's shoulder with excitement, nearly making James spill the cider (which Slughorn didn't notice). He smiled about at the three of them, "Welcome, welcome... As you can see, much less formal than my usual get togethers, just help yourself to the food, mingle, enjoy your time!" He smiled and leaned into James, pointing across the room, "That there is Ludo Bagman, son, he's on the Hufflepuff Quidditch team, very good. I think the two of you would be bang-on good mates. Might want to say hullo. Word's out he may end up scouted for the pros - he's that good."

James looked at the bumbling, round-faced boy Slughorn was pointing to and thought that he was sort of a burlier version of Peter Pettigrew. "I'll, er, check it out, sir," he said, nodding.

The Marauders: Year Five #Wattys2017Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat