The Magic That Holds Our Pieces Together

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The Magic That Holds Our Pieces Together

Remus picked up the mirror and stared into it. Sirius's bedroom was empty, the bed made neatly... He'd peeked a couple times before, if he was being honest, being careful not to be seen by Sirius, just wanting to know everything was okay on the other end. This was the first time he'd seen that Sirius had left the mirror alone and he lowered it back down, his hands clutching the invisible birds, feeilng a bit empty behind the chest. So it was official then, he'd pushed Sirius away long enough that Sirius had given up on him. Regret lingered in Remus and he got up and put the birds away in their little cage and went back to the mattress to lie across on his stomach, pressing his face into the pillow.

Bert was frantically peeping. As usual.

The peeping made him sad. He was going to miss all the noise that stupid bird always made, he thought. Annoying as it was, it was his bird.

Just like Sirius was his annoying stupid boyfriend.

And now he'd lost them both.

There came a knock at the observatory door.

"They're in their cage," called Remus. Nobody ever just came in the observatory door, incase the birds were free so they didn't end up with invisible Charkorais birds flying about the laboratory. They'd never find them if they got loose.

Tina Scamander pushed open the door and stuck her head inside. "Mr. Lupin, you've got company."

"Company?" he asked, turning to look at her.

"Yes, Mr. Dumbledore is here to see you," Tina answered.

"Dumbledore?" Remus sat up, "What's he want?"

Tina shrugged, "Dunno, do I? I'm just the messenger. Come along, Mr. Lupin, don't keep your company waiting."

Remus nodded and got up, following Tina Scamander back to the main room of the laboratory. Dumbledore stood there by Newt's table, talking to Ned Veigler, who was showing him something from a notebook and looking quite pleased as Dumbledore rocked from the heel of his foot to the ball of his toes. Dumbledore caught sight of Remus and smiled slowly, then said to Mr. Veigler, "You'll have to come and visit me sometime very soon and we will discuss this matter further and in more detail - but Fallengundur sounds a wonderful place, my boy, and I've the fullest confidence you'll do many marvelous things with it." He patted Veigler's shoulder, then turned to Remus. "Good morning, Mr. Lupin."

"Good morning, sir," Remus answered.

"My - you've gotten taller since I last saw you," Dumbledore said, marveling. "Seems every time I see you or your little friends, you've changed. You should hear Peter Pettigrew - his voice is changing this summer, one minute he's high, the next minute he's low... it's quite strange, the changes our bodies make as we age." He smiled and stroked his beard.

"Yes, sir..." Remus agreed, not sure what else to say.

Dumbledore smiled. "And Sirius Black - he's changed quite a lot as well, hasn't he? Being properly cared for at the Potters has certainly given Mr. Black a certain... healthy glow."

Remus nodded, casting his eyes to the floor at the thought of Sirius.

Dumbledore took a deep breath, "Well, enough talk of changes. I have something for you."

"Something for me?"

"Yes, Mr. Lupin," Dumbledore nodded, "If you would come with me...?"

Remus nodded and followed Dumbledore to the ladder, curious as he gripped the rungs and followed him up and out of the briefcase.

The Marauders: Year Five #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now