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James stayed snogging Maryrose in the compartment they'd found for most of the trip until a Ravenclaw prefect had alohamoraed the compartment door opened and declared it was time for them to go and put on their robes for Hogwarts, "Although you might wanna start with a shirt, Potter," she added, turning to go, leaving the compartment door opened. Maryrose had pushed James's sweater vest off and unbuttoned his white oxford, even though he hadn't even dared to move his own hands from her hips.

Maryrose helped him redo his Gryffindor tie once he'd rebuttoned the oxford and he tugged the vest on over his head, getting it stuck on his glasses frames. That was when Lily Evans paused in the door, as James was struggling with the vest, the oxford climbing up over his belly button as he fought with the vest, arms in the air, looking a bit like the giant squid, "It's the ruddy glasses," he was saying from inside the vest, "Bloody wire frames. They're awful, hate them really, get stuck on everything... I can't see a thing... I can't get out... Maryrose... help me."

Lily raised an eyebrow as Maryrose leaned closer and tried to untangle James from inside the vest. When she'd finally done it, James got his glasses back on his face, "Thanks," he said, and then he looked over Maryrose's shoulder at Lily. "Evans, what do you want?"

Lily could tell by their faces, the way their lips were puffy and the way that even Maryrose's hair was messed up that they'd been snogging in there and she shook her head and said, "Just letting you know it's time to get your robes on," and she turned away quickly and disappeared from the doorframe.

James walked Maryrose back to the compartment where some of the other girls were, where Maryrose had been sitting before she'd gone looking for James. "See you," Maryrose said, and she kissed James's cheek and he nodded and went back to the Marauders' compartment.

Sirius was standing on his bench, yanking their robes out of the luggage compartment, getting James's owl-feather-covered one from Bubo's cage. Sirius had his Gryffindor tie wrapped around his head as he usually did with it (James wasn't sure if this was a rebellious thing or if Sirius just didn't know how to tie it properly and therefore did stupid things with it instead), and Peter was struggling with his own. "Well what do you know?" Sirius said, throwing James's robes at him, the owl feathers flying about the compartment as Bubo shrieked at the rapidity with which Sirius had uncovered her, "The second sea monkey's back." He jumped down and shoved Peter's robes into his arms, leaning closer to James's face, inspecting him. "You've been snogging, Potter."

"Yeah? So what? I have a girlfriend." James shook the remaining feathers out of his robes and shrugged them on.

Sirius grinned, "No wonder you didn't come back to the compartment. Good thing your girlfriend isn't a prefect, like my boyfriend is, or else the most you would've seen of her was to be reprimanded for having a spot of fun on an otherwise wholly boring trip. Seriously, worst trip on the Express yet."

James was doing the clasp on his robes and smoothing the fabric out carefully, "Well, my girlfriend may be dating the Gryffindor Quidditch Captain," he said.

Peter looked up, "Maryrose is cheating on you?" he asked, pity in his eyes.

"No, blimey, she'd have to be mental to cheat on him," Sirius said, "You git, he's one of the most wanted boys in the whole of Hogwarts!"

Peter turned red, but James grinned at this, "Boy most wanted," he said, thumbing at himself.

Sirius turned to James, "But wait... Are you saying that you got named captain, then?"

The Marauders: Year Five #Wattys2017حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن