Chapter Twenty-Four

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"So what did you think," Asher asked me.

"There was a wire running through the building that might have caused it."

"Not about the fire."

"Then what?" I wasn't sure if I was in shock or not, but I was absolutely clueless.

"The kiss you idiot."

"This again?"

"Come on, I'm desperate." He gave me those puppy eyes. My father used to give Emma and I those eyes, but I stop being affected by them when he left.

"I kissed you this time, not the other way around." I paused. "What does it matter anyway?"

"Well, was it a good kiss?"

"You'd like to know, wouldn't you?"

He stopped asking me about it for a moment when he turned sharply around the corner. I was shot forward and I used my hand to stop myself from hitting the floor but I still fell. I'm glad I didn't hit my head, because it still hurt from the other day when Asher and I collided.

"What happened," I asked.

"There was a squirrel." He drove normally again.

I looked back and saw only a leaf on the road. "It was a leaf, you idiot."

"At least I'm your idiot."

I didn't like the way he said it, as if he knew I was in love with him. I'm still not sure, but the longer I talk to him the less I remember the outside reality and the life I used to live. I looked around and didn't recognize where we were, even if I've only been around here once.

"Where are we going," I asked.

"We need some stuff from the store," he responded. "I figured you would want to come with me. I mean, I could drop you off at home, but then I would have to lock you up."

He looked at me through the mirror up front and winked. When he spoke softly, it gave me the chills and I kind of freaked out. I didn't know what he wanted me to say to that and I did not care to actually say anything back, so I sort of just pressed my lips together and laid back down. It wasn't long until we arrived at Alex's Grocery Stop, but I wish it had been just a little farther away. It was nice to relax without Asher pestering me with his persistence.

"My lady." Asher opened the door and held out his hand to grab mine. I humored him and let him help me down, but I drew the line at holding hands in the store. He made a joke about it. "But I long for the feeling of the adrenaline rush that flows through me when we touch."

"Shut up," I laughed playfully.

I punched his arm gently. He used that as an opportunity to grab my hand to pull me in and continued to put his arm around my shoulder. It was all a nightmare wrapped in the enticing thoughts of a daydream. I grabbed his hand with mine, leaned into him and smiled.

This is it; there is only a fine line between reality and fantasy, and I have managed to lose it over time. It is all one now. I'm not sure how I feel about it, because one part of me misses my old life, with Jenna and Luke, and Brooke and Emma. Then the other part of me is deeply in love with the guy who caused it all. And I am okay with it.

We walked in the store and Asher took the closest shopping cart and continued to walk, looking for food to buy. I caught up with him by jogging every time I was distracted by something. But then there was one thing that I couldn't get off my mind, or I mean someone.

There was a guy looking down at his phone, at just the right angle so I couldn't see his face. He reminded me of Luke and I stood frozen again just waiting for him to look up. Darn that stupid phone. I didn't know if I wanted it to be him. My emotions are currently mixing in some witch's pot, boiling to the point where I'm about to explode.

"Ellie." I heard him call my name multiple times, but I didn't comprehend it. I stood there motionless like a dork. It went from a few times of Ellie to a few times of El, going back and forth. But I couldn't take my eyes off the man. Then he shouted, "Emma!"

"Yeah?" I looked at him and he just stared back blankly and confused.

"Are you okay?" I nodded, but didn't take my eyes off the guy. "I'm worried about you."

"Yeah, I'm— I'm fine. It's just that.." I looked around for something while waiting for the potential Luke to look up or at me. All I saw was a box of cereal. "My father used to come home with a box of Apple Jacks and I just remembered the late nights when I couldn't sleep, we would stay up, watch a show, and just sit on the couch together eating it."

"Go get a box Emma."

It might have just been in the moment that he accidentally said it, or maybe I have really gotten used to all the lies. I listened to him and grabbed a box, still carefully staring at the mysterious guy. But then he looked up. I wasn't sure how I was supposed to feel, nor how I felt when I saw his face. It wasn't him, it wasn't Luke. My heart sunk at the same time I felt relief. I'm still unsure after all that I've been through.

I make my way back to Asher with the box of Apple Jacks. I follow him as we get more stuff for the cabin, then we got in line for the cashier. I saw him again, and I kept staring at him, even though I knew.

We went out to the car and put the bags in the back seat. I shut the door and turned around. Asher pinned me against the car and I couldn't move. I gave him the death stare for a few seconds until he spoke.

"Aren't you gonna kiss me already," he smirked.

"You're cute Ash."

"Come on, admit it. You love me."

"I," I paused. "I love you."

"You mean it?"

"Yeah, I mean it."

He didn't wait for my approval, instead he stepped forward and I felt myself back up into the side door. He put his hand on my cheek and kissed me. I didn't stop him. I put my hands around his waist and pulled him in closer.

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