Thirty One

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After the pizzas, everyone reluctantly left. Hazel read on some magazine that after every break-up, a girl is entitled to space for an allocated amount of hours before being hugged again by a close one.

Stupid, I know.

Luke wanted to stay so when Noah came back from wherever the hell it is he's hiding he can punch him. Luke said, 'for closure'. Right. Or just because he's an over-protective brother who has problems keeping his anger to himself. Hence, why I'm considering buying him a punch bag. In the end he left, of course, after being physically pushed out by Isaac. So I was here, on the couch, watching White Chicks on repeat and crying myself to sleep every few hours.

I was on the bit where Brittney is unwillingly on her date with the guy from the auction, when the door slammed. Instantly, I sighed. I knew this would have to happen sometime, but does it have to be when my foundation is non-existing and my hair looks like Edward Scissor-hands took a quick stab at it. Noah walked in. "Oh. Hi, Auden."

Never mind. Noah looked almost just as bad. His Converse were soaked, he looked extremely exhausted and there was a stain that either was salad dressing or sick on his no longer white t-shirt. "Hi, Noah." I just as sheepishly mumble. I pause the film. "You know, if you needed to change your top you could've just came."

He shrugged, emotionless. "I didn't want to run into you."

"Well, you should've. What is that?" I ask, addressing to the unknown substance on the t-shirt. "To be honest?" Noah smirks for a second but then quickly retreats to a straight face. "I have no idea."

I sigh before getting up to go to the coffee table to grab my bottle of water. "There's no point in me moving out now, because this year is almost finished." I deadpan, looking to the ground as I hover in front of Noah, the table between us.

"Whatever, I don't care. I'll just be in and out for clothes."

"Noah, don't you dare go all shady on me. Yeah, we're over. Yeah - it damn hurts. Yeah, we fought. Yeah, we probably made out in this very spot, and yes – this is so awkward. But don't you dare go all shady on me."

"Shady? Me? You were the one who texted me to tell me if I didn't clear off I'd get beaten up!" "Noah, I had no clue where you were." I reply, throwing a hand out in frustration. "For all I knew, you could've been in Timbuktu, or dead. In fact, I was worried about you!"

"You don't need to worry about me."

"Well, I do! I did, Noah! And it was a crap feeling. You know I spent the last week puking my guts out and watching the damn Titanic? You were probably making out with a different girl every night and drinking yourself stupid." I hiss angrily, slamming the remote I didn't realise I was still holding down onto the table.

"Stop!" Noah shouts, slamming his hand onto his face. "Stop! This isn't a pity party, Auden. If you want a box of tissues and some chocolate, I don't have it for you!"

"That'd be right, Noah. Of course, you don't feel anything, do you? You didn't feel guilty after I called you out on that blonde the other night! You didn't feel sad when you just ditched me because of a problem. You obviously don't care about me!"

"If I don't freaking care, then why do you, huh?" Noah screeched.

All of a sudden, the past of our relationship swooped through my mind and I came to a realisation that I never came across before.

"Because- Because I freaking love you!" I screamed. "I freaking love you, Noah." I softly repeat myself.

Next, what happened was a blur. Noah pushed me and I ended up slamming against a wall, and he kissed me more passionately than ever before. When we parted, I let out the smallest of smiles. "Well, don't you have anything to say?" I ask, looking for the smallest of apologies.

"I love you too, loser." He says, making me grin as he kisses me again.

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