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Once that fight was over, I began the master planning of my next trick. He claims he's going to show me what blushing is. Huh. Let's see about that. I call my mother; she instantly answers after the second ring, not giving me long enough to even script this conversation. Secretly, I think mum and dad miss having me there to annoy them.


"Hi mum." I reply, scrolling through my Facebook feed as we talk.

"Are you alright?"

"Yes, yes – fine." I deadpan. "I was wondering if you'd like to come over tomorrow? Seeing as it's Sunday tomorrow."

I can practically hear my mother glow with excitement. "Of course! But your dad is at work tomorrow." She says sadly. I smirk. "That's okay. He can come over another day. I just really would like to have you over. How about you come really early tomorrow morning? I'll be out with a friend doing a project, but Noah can let you in."

"Really? You have college friends?"

I roll my eyes. Of course I have friends. She's such a typical clueless mother. "Yes; yes I do. I'm not scared of human beings, mother."

"Oh great! Well then; that's fine. How about eight o'clock tomorrow morning?"

Nodding, I forget mum can't actually see me. "Perfect. Eight o'clock. I'll leave the door open so you can let yourself in. Noah will be there."

Mum squeals. "Perfect!" My mother is quite a hyper morning person. Scratch that; overall she is a very hyper person.

"Okay then, mum. See you tomorrow!"

"Bye, honey."

And then she was gone. First step done.

I quickly text mum.

'I have just cleaned the WHOLE dorm, and I'm leaving for my friend's house now, so I won't be home for the whole night! I'm having dinner and everything there – can't wait. I also can't wait to see you tomorrow x'

Lies. I was actually going to work – but not for another twenty minutes. I quickly creep into Noah's bedroom and raid his wardrobe, scattering all of his clothes around the house. He wouldn't be home until tonight; and knowing Noah (who likes to party), he'll probably be so drunk he won't even realise all of his clothes are everywhere.

I then rummage through some things and find an old noodle box. I decide that'll be perfect and sit it on the kitchen table. I pile some bowls in the sink and place a drop of apple juice on the counter.

This is what you call extreme war.

Then, I have a shower and dress in a pair of denim washed out jeans and a white hoodie with big letters saying 10 on the back with black outlining and a white centre. I tug on my white Converse and do my makeup and hair. Now, I was ready to leave for work. I also wasn't going to my college friend's house to do a project. That was last week and we completed it easily enough. I'll probably just go to Hazel's house.

If this works, this is going to portray Noah as the biggest slob in the entire universe. He'll certainly feel bad for... being strong, I guess. Now it was time to leave. I grab my bag and fly out the door, heading to the cafe.


"One black coffee and a caramel latte," a painfully familiar voice calls. I spin around and find Noah.

"Why are you so obsessed with me?" I ask Noah angrily. 

He smirks, staring at me – his eyes smiling. "Did you really just quote the film Mean Girls?"

"Did you really just admit to watching the film Mean Girls?"

"Ha-ha." Noah deadpans, drumming his fingers on the counter.

I nod. "That's right – change the subject, why don't you."

"Technically; I didn't." He informs me, scratching his neck.

"Mm, maybe not. But technically you avoided my question." I take this opportunity to give Noah a subtle hint about my big trick coming up.

"Black coffee? I guess that does help waking up early. Being a morning person is really hard- but sometimes it really is worth it when you know the consequences of waking up too late."

I sound demented, but I say it anyway as I pour Noah a coffee into a paper cup, and a caramel latte for the walking makeup cake. "Okay then?" Noah replies, sounding more like he was questioning me.

"Yeah. Are you going to Chris Pike's party tonight?"

Noah nods as he pushes change across the counter.

"Even more the reason to hate waking up in the morning. You'll certainly need some coffee tomorrow when you wake up to the horror of the world."

Aka my mother, who just about freaks when she sees any mess.

"Um, I guess?" Noah grabs the drinks. "Okay bye freak."

"Bye freak!" I jeer back, waving. I have this in the bag. Definitely.

I see Rachel slumped in the passenger seat of Noah's car; her makeup looking particularly cake-y today. Gina taps my cheek. "Who was that cutie?"

"That taken cutie is called Noah - and he is the rudest boy you'll ever set your eyes on."

"Rude or not, he's cute."

"Rude or not – he's old enough to be your son Gigi." I smile, wrapping my arm around my boss's waist and squeezing her, giving her a side hug.

Gina is like my second mother. Every weekend, she'd come to our house from all the way down here with flowers she picked from her garden, or hot chocolate recipes for me to try. Mum and her are best friends, always have been. They went to the same secondary and college – the college I go to.

The only difference was that mum studied nursing and I'm not. A whole string of our family were nurses; it was like a Baker tradition. Then baby Auden came along; got a Hello Kitty camera in a magazine one day and become fascinated with the art of pictures.

I kind of broke the chain.

"Maybe," Gina says. "But Audi – you could grab him up like the last gummy bear in the penny sweet shop."

"No thanks, Gina." I laugh. "Now come on; we have customers! You should be the one scolding me." Gina just winks at me and walks away. That woman is a mystery in itself.

As I'm sitting in my apron, leaned against the counter, my phone vibrates. I grab it.

'You cleaned the whole place? I'm so proud! I can't wait to see your spick and span dorm. Love you x'

You're definitely in for a surprise, anyway.


This could quite possibly be my favourite chapter. I don't know why, I just enjoyed writing Noah and Auden's conversations in this. 

QOTC: Do you have a favourite chapter? If so, why?

Please vote and comment because it means the world to me when you do. Love you! ~Belle x

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