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My alarm goes, taking me to the land of 'Please Just Five More Minutes'. But I could not go there.

This was plan 'Take Down Noah's Pride'.
I swing my legs out of bed and get dressed into yesterdays outfit, not bothered to pick out a new one. It was clean, anyway.

Yesterday I had to eat dinner in the horrible environment I had created myself - and it was not a walk in the park.

Or... a sit at the table.
I don't know what they say; but it wasn't great.

Noah had stumbled in at around half one, like I had predicted - off his head.

He just glided through the rooms and fell into his bedroom.
This was going smoothly. Now all I had to do was disappear to somewhere else.

Finding my makeup, I quickly apply some concealer, foundation, mascara and some EOS lip balm to my face. Next I had to leave. I take my phone and slip outside, leaving the door unlocked.

Feeling quite alone, I stride down corridor after corridor.
Then, whilst I was running, I stupidly ran into what I thought was some kind of pole, until I heard the 'oof' coming from it.

"I'm so sorry!" I call, holding the person's sides while I find my focus on the world again.
I stare at the person. "Oh my gosh, Travis!" I laugh. "Are you okay?"
Travis nods, chuckling to himself. "There goes my flowers."

I look down to the squished bouquet in Travis' hand. Many of the flower heads went from 3D to 2D and half of them just flunked, falling off their stems because I crashed into Travis so hard.

"I'm really sorry!" I apologise again. "Were they for Hazel?"
Travis smiles. "Yeah. Yesterday, we were talking about of favourite flowers and Hazel said she loved l-
"Lilies." I finish for Travis. "I know everything about my best friend. I can buy you some more, I promise."
Travis shakes his head.

"That's stupid. It doesn't matter. I can just get some more tomorrow. Are you okay? You looked really lost coming down that corridor."

I smile. "I just have nowhere to go. Hazel's asleep; everyone's asleep because it's like half seven in the morning. Wait- why are you giving Hazel flowers at half seven in the morning?"
Travis shrugged. "I'm an early person, I guess."
I roll my eyes. "I could use some of that." I snigger. "I am not a morning person what so ever."

Travis just shrugs again. "It kind of runs in the family. Go to bed early, wake up early."

"You could always come back to my apartment." Travis offers. "If you can't go to your own. Are you locked out or something?"
"Nope. I can easily get in. I'm playing an extreme joke on my roommate - who is an extreme joke."
Travis can't help but laugh. "I see. Well then. I'll take you to a cafe for a warm drink - it's freezing."

I shrug. "Okay then. Go for it."
Travis grabs my hand and leads me down the corridors. I squeal with laughter, chasing after the fast boy.

We sprint outside. The rain was pouring down like we'd never see another drop again, and almost instantly I was drenched, my clothes sticking to my skin.
"Who are you, freaking Usain Bolt?"

Travis chuckles as we run. He grabs his hair and pulls, mocking that he was about to pull off his mask and be revealed as the fastest man in the world. He then stops, laughing.


"So," I pause, trailing off. "how are you?"
Travis smiles. "Just fine. And you?"
I shrug. "I don't know. Busy, I suppose. That pretty much sums my life up right now."

Travis nods. We awkwardly sit in silence for a few moments. My mind strays back to the date I went on with Travis. I shudder, not whether it was because of how drenched and cold I was or because of the memory.

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