Memory 7 : Fire Flies at Central Park

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" After that day life couldn't be better . Me and Talia spent every second , minute and hour together !! We hadn't made it official though and to every body thinking that Kate was going to be a love interest , yea sorry to tell you guys , buuuuut no ! , so yea we had found a new hobby that we both enjoyed and it was making videos. We made soo many random videos about nothing and everything. The only one  we didn't make was a music video .  She had told me about how she confronted her parents about making her move back to Japan , but that didn't seem to have any effect.. she's moving this weekend if I'm not mistaken. The thought of not having Talia here beside me was eating me alive EVERY NIGHT !!! . I could barely sleep. Talia and I talked on the phone all night .. and were together all day , there wasn't a moment that we weren't talking or hanging out. It felt so good being in love , but then again love can break you .. and soon enough I found that out first hand... we only had 4 more days left together .. it was Tuesday and she was leaving on Saturday . UGH !! this sucked so much.. well the day went on as usual except today we didn't make any videos , well not during the day anyway. Instead of making videos and hanging out at my house all day , she decided to just walk around.."

Issac - You seriously just want to walk around ?

Talia - Well not really just walk around , I have a surprise for you to be honest. Just follow me

" I had forgotten all about the guitar , I had forgotten she was even working to pay Jackie , I guess we skipped a part of the story , well it was just normal labor anyway "

Issac - A surprise huh..

Talia - Come on  , hurry !

Issac - I'm coming I'm coming ... hey what's the surprise anyway ?

Talia - Now it wouldn't be a surprise if I told you now would it ?

Issac - I guess you're right .. can you at least tell me where's it's at ?

Talia - Nope

Issac *giggles* - Fine , Fine

" We had walked about two blocks or maybe four , I forgot , but anyway we finally arrived in front of Jackie's store. Talia told me to turn around and face the road. I asked why , but she just insisted on me doing it , so I did it. By the time I turned around she was already in the store. I seen her talking to Jackie . She was excited and Jackie was just smiling. I smiled and turned around. About 5 minutes later I felt a tap on my shoulder.. It was Talia holding the guitar in her hands. It was beautiful , It was nothing like I had expected.. It was black and shiny with gold etchings . She smiled and handed me the guitar.. she put her hands behind her back and stood on her tippy toes while looking away .. smiling and blushing. I never seen such beauty like that.. It was perfect. She looked at me.."

Talia *shyly* - I knew how much you needed a guitar for school so umm I worked a few odd jobs and got you one.. what'd you think ...?

Issac - I think its... AMAZING. Thank you so much Talia , I love It..

Talia - Look on the back ..

Issac - The back ?

" I turned the guitar around and looked on the back. My eyes grew wide as I read what it said. I just smiled and hugged Talia so freakin tight. She hugged me back even tighter. I looked up and seen Jackie giving me a thumbs up. She went back inside her store. Talia let go of me and we started walking back to my place. For the most part it was pretty normal until I bumped into my dad . He was just sitting on a curb when Talia and I seen him. I didn't say a word.. Talia and I just kept walking.. but to my surprise Talia turned around and started walking to my father .."

Issac - What're doing ?

Talia - hmmm nothing , just being me

Issac - Talia , lets just go

Talia - Give me a minute

Issac - Fine

" Talia walked over to my father and sat next to him on the curb"

Talia - So.. How are you doing Mr. David

David *looks over at Talia* - Why does that concern you ?

Talia - That's nice.. I'm doing fine myself. So what you been up too ?

David - Don't you get it ? I don't want anything to do with you !

Talia - Really ? That sounds fun... You know ... I forgive you right ?

David *stunned* - Wha..What ?

Talia *looks at David and smiles* - Yea , you heard me . I forgive you . I can't hold a grudge against someone who brought Issac into the world. So yea I forgive you .. I probably shouldn't had been outside so late anyway

David - I... I don't know what to say.. Why me ? I'm a racist !!

Talia - Even if that is the case , I don't care . You're Issac's father .. so therefore I love you. Hate me all you want , it isn't going to change how I feel about Issac or you. Just so you know

David - You japs have a strong will huh

Talia - Yes we do

David - .....

Talia * stands up* - Well I have to get going , the suns setting. You know how Japanese parents are . Kombawa ( Good Evening ) Mr. David

David - .....

" Talia waved to him as she walked back over to me.  I was just shocked after what she had just done. That took so much heart and just .. just.. I don't even know. Talia really is an amazing person..I'm glad she's the one I fell in love with. The sun was setting , so instead of going to my place ,  I decided to walk her home. Her new house was still close to Central Park , but It was further down the block. So by the time we had gotten there , the sun had set and the street lights and park lights were on. Talia stopped and looked at the park. She grabbed my hand and ran into the park. "

Issac - Why'd you do that ? It's getting late , you're going to get in trouble

Talia - blah blah blah , I seen a fire fly so I wanted to catch it !

Issac - Seriously ?

Talia - Yup ! , now.. Where did it go ? AH THERE IT IS !!

Issac - I seen two more over there !

Talia - Where !?

Issac - To your left !

Talia - I just seen like 5 more around you

Issac - Woah... I just realized that we're completely surrounded by them

Talia - It's beautiful ..hey there's a bench. Lets sit down

Issac - Sure

" We sat on the bench.. and admired the beauty of the fire flies dancing around our heads. Talia put her head on my shoulder and closed her eyes.. I looked at her and smiled.. I put the guitar on my lap.. and the last thing I remember from that night is the light of the Park lights shining on the back of the guitar.. which said From Talia to Issac ... I love you .. Will you go out with me ? "

Issac - Yes Talia... I will..

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