Memory 2 : Our Unofficial First Date

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"I remember as I watched Issac walk away , my mother and father asked me why I came back so early. I lied and told them I didn't feel good . Till this day I wonder what would've happened if I told them. Anyway , where was I ? , Oh yea. Later that night after we had dinner, I got in the shower and was literally sitting under the water ..just letting it hit my head..just lost in thought about Issac. I was so scared . I was 9 , I had no clue what was happening to me. Was this love ? Insecurity ? Puberty ? , Well whatever it was I loved and hated it at the same time. Then all of a sudden I had this crazy day dream. It was me and Issac on a unicorn riding on a rainbow made of skittles. I don't know why my day dream was so trippy. I swear New York's water was laced with Acid or something. I was in the shower for like an hour until my mother banged on the door for me to get out. I didn't even wash my body yet"

Talia - One sec mother !

Mrs. Hagoromo - Hurry , other people live her to ya know

Talia *Sighs* - Yes , I know mother

Mrs. Hagoromo - Good , now hurry

" I stood up , grabbed my wash clothe and soap and just lathered my body until I was covered in suds. I quickly rinsed off and turned off the water. OMG , I remember when I tried to get out of the shower and completely failed !! I tripped over the little thingy and fell flat on my face. I had a scar on my forehead that night and unfortunately the very next day because that was the day I was supposed to meet Issac at the park again..well like I said ..SUPPOSED to. That same night after I put on my footsie pajamas I looked at the starry night sky just missing my old house back in Japan. I remember looking down and seeing a chubby boy . I just assumed it was Issac and screamed his name. I quickly grabbed my mouth and looked behind me . I had forgot my parents were asleep. So you know what I decided to do ? I decided to sneak out of my house and confront the guy I THOUGHT was Issac. I put the stuff I wore to the park earlier and tip-toed out the door , that creaked SO FREAKING LOUD , but anyway I walked super softly down the stairs and out the front door. I walked up to the guy so nervously and tapped him on his back..he turned around.."

Man - What the hell ? What do you want kid.

Talia - Oh..sorry I thought you were someone else..

Man - Beat it chink

Talia - Chink ?? Why did you call me that ?

Man - Can you hear ? Cause I know damn well you can't see

Talia - ....That was..really uncalled for jerk

Man - What was that ?

Talia - JERK !! A BIG JERK

Man ( grabs Talia by her coat ) - You better watch your mouth chink or Imma really hurt ya.

Talia ( Squirming to get free ) - !.. JERK !

Man - That tears it 

"....The man threw me against the wall. He hit me in my back and kicked me in my neck. I coughed up so much blood. Things escalated so quickly was so scary. Just me and him one else..but what happened next is something I'll never forget..."

Man ( looks down at Talia ) - Hm say , for a brat , you sure do have a nice ass. Come here

Talia ( Screams ) - NO ! NO , STAY AWAY , STAY AWAY !!!!

" He put my face into the ground...I felt my pants slowly fall..then my underwear...He was just ..groping me...I looked back and he reached in his pants and pulled out know.. and then he tried to put it in...but before he can do it he stopped. He rubbed the back of his head and looked at his hand. He was shocked..I guess he was bleeding or something. He pulled his pants up and turned around. I scurried against the wall and watched as the man was pelted with rocks . He eventually ran off. I was just broken down..crying against the wall..helpless and pathetic. I looked up to see a hand offered to me...It was Issac's. Now I know that's kinda cliche , but that's how it happened so get over it. Anyway It was Issac. I gave him my hand and he helped me up. I was still crying so with my pants down...I don't know whats more awkward. The fact I'm jut casually talking about almost being sexual abused or the fact I was crying in front of Issac with my pants down. Anyway he wiped my eyes and whispered in my ear " You should really pull your pants up. It's cold" I stopped crying so fast and pulled my pants up. He just giggled a little bit and grabbed my hand. He pulled me into the park. We walked around just talking about random stuff that 5th graders usually talk about. Then I asked him"

Talia - Why are you out here so late ?

Issac - Hm I don't know. I guess I just had a bad feeling and couldn't sleep. Good thing huh..

Talia (looks down) - I can't thank you enough..I really need to repay the favor ..

Issac - Don't mention it. I hate scumbags like that anyway. I probably should've asked this back there , but are you okay ?

Talia - Well know that I'm with you I am 

" Okay look , I was 9 I didn't know what a cliche was. All I knew was I seen it in movies so it must be real"

Issac - uhhhh , Hey look over there.

" So we're just going to completely ignore the fact that he ignored my advances , Okay ? Okay , but anyway I looked to where he pointed only to see there was nothing there. He pushed me into the snow and laughed. I got up and threw a snowball at his face. Then he threw one at me. We laughed and played around for like an hour before his father spotted us.."


Issac - Oh um..I was just helping Talia with something..

David - Get in the car this instant ! , how dare you leave the house at night to socialize with that..that heathen .

Talia - ....

Issac - Dad , Stop . Talia's cool ! I like hanging out with her. Why are you being so mean to her !?

David - You will not take that tone with me Issac. *sigh* I'll let you off with a warning , next time I catch you "hanging out" with her you're punished until further notice.

Issac - But Dad !

David - That's the end of it Issac ! , now say goodbye to your associate.

Issac - .....Bye Talia

Talia -..B..bye Issac

"I just watched as Issac and his asshole father drove off , leaving me stranded in the middle of Grand Central at night. I was so scared I ran all the way home and didn't look back. I ran inside the studio and up the stairs until I reached my door. I opened the door and walked into my mother and father still asleep..I guess they were just stressed from the move , what baffled me was how they didn't hear a single scream. Anyway I took off my clothes and slept next to my mother...I didn't see Issac for about two months after birthday passed..I was 10 now and during those two months I was enrolled into a school somewhere in downtown Manhattan. It felt like I forgot all about Issac , until March 7th ...when I walked into my homeroom class to see him sitting next to my desk..."

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