Memory 3 : Freshman

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" March 7th came and went like a normal day. We didn't even talk to each other , it was like we never even had a "thing". Well we probably really didn't but in my head he was my boyfriend. Issac didn't acknowledge me that entire year , accept fir a couple of times he asked for the homework or what he missed when he was absent...he was absent a lot in 5th grade.. I know I'm probably zooming through my story , but I'm trying to get to the good stuff because trust me ALOT happens. I'm always getting off topic , anyway , 5th grade went past like any other year , my English had gotten a lot better so I finally made some friends. Kate , Tiffany , Aaliyah , and Amyrah. We were friends ever since 5th grade all the way to high school. We we're close. When I got to high school , my freshman year I joined the AV club . I guess we were labeled as the geeks and nobodies , but for some reason boys talked to me. I guess they thought I was cute or something.. I just ignored them. The only boy I still wanted was Issac , but he was busy with sports or some crap like that. I hadn't talked to him in years. Yea we're so called " Un-Separable " according to my mother and father , but the harsh reality is we hadn't talked since 5th grade and on the inside I was dying.. not wanting to believe that the boy who saved my life and welcomed me into his life just forgot about me. Well until one day he walked into my class and walked in my direction.. he stopped and leaned on my desk. He looked away and slide a note to me , then he just left like nothing even happened.."

Talia - Huh , wonder what that was about

Tiffany - Maybe , he's asking you out ?

Amyrah - Don't be ridiculous , he'll never go out with her. They live in two different worlds. She's a tech geek and he's a ...ummm. What exactly is he ?

Aaliyah - Man , who knows . Anyway you gonna open it or not ?

Talia - Fine , fine .

" I opened the note and to my surprise it told me to meet him somewhere"

Amyrah - Well what does it say ?

Talia - It says to meet him by the boys gym after school.

Aaliyah - Wait till I tell Kate about this

Talia ( jokingly ) - Shut up Aaliyah

Tiffany - Besides I don't think that's a good idea. Kate is like OBSSESSED with that guy

Talia -..Really?

Amyarh - Yea , you never noticed ? That's like all she talks about

" Okay I knew Kate was obsessed with Issac , but I just tuned it out cause.. you know"

Talia - Oh , well I guess I never noticed. Well anyway the school day is almost over , I guess I'll go.

Tiffany - Don't go getting knocked up

Talia - hahahahaha very funny

" A few minutes the final bell rung and I left the girls to go meet Issac at the boys gym. I swear the way he pulled that off was so cliché . He couldn't send like some kid in a diaper to deliver the message , or announce it over the loud speaker !? He had to come in all awkwardly and slide a crumbled up piece of paper across my desk . *sigh* Let me calm down , this isn't a love story , well technically it is , but you know , umm , okay I'm just gonna shut up now . Well then again I can't because I'm telling a story. Ughhhh ANYWAY !!! I got to the gym early I guess because he showed up an HOUR late. When he got their he was dressed in a red and blue flannel , some blue rip jeans and black converse. Don't ask me how I remember , anyway when he showed up he offered me a hug.. I declined it.."

Issac - Umm okay ? What was that about

Talia ( looking at her feet ) - What do you want Issac

Issac - I really can't get a proper greeting ?

Talia ( lifts head up ) - Well you haven't spoken to me since 5th grade soo...

Issac - Yes I have

Talia - What was the last conversation we had that didn't have anything to do with school ?

Issac - Ummmmmm

Talia - My point , why did you ask me to be here Issac , I have things to do and this is throwing me off schedule

Issac - Wow Asians really are uptight

Talia ( upset ) - What did you just say ?

Issac - Nothing....

Talia - Learned that from your dad I'm assuming

Issac - Hey leave my dad out of this he has nothing to do with this

Talia - Oh give me a break , he has everything to do with this ! He's a freakin' racist ! I didn't realize it then , but come on Issac , you can't sit here and tell me he isn't.

Issac - He is NOT a racist Talia .

Talia - Ha , okay then , explain why he treated me like that ? Explain why he didn't want us hanging out together !

Issac - Look. Talia . I didn't invite you here to argue , I came to ask for a favor

Talia - Why should I do you a favor ?

Issac - Because you're the only person I know who is actually good at that AV tech stuff.

Talia - Well that sucks for you , I'm not doing it

Issac - Come on please Talia , If you don't then I'll fail the 9th grade

Talia - .....What is it

Issac - What is what ?

Talia - The favor , what is it

Issac - Oh yea , well I have to make a video for my art credit , it can be a comedy , drama , music video , anything as long as it shows your "artistic side"

Talia - What did you consider doing ?

Issac - You're gonna laugh

Talia - No , I'm not

Issac - Promise ?

Talia - Yea , sure , whatever

Issac - I wanted to make a music video ..

Talia - Seriously ? You ? In a music video

Issac - Yea , I've been kinda writing songs for the last couple of years.. to you know help cope ..

Talia - Cope with what >

Issac -.. Not having you in my life

Talia - Oh well...umm I have to go.. I'll think about it ..

Issac - Wait , take down my number , you know just in case you decide to help

Talia - Sure

Issac - Okay , It's 358-555-2097

Talia - Okay I'll call you .. if you know I decide to help

Issac - Great

Talia - Okay ( Starts walking away )

Issac - Oh , Talia ! ... Thank You..

Talia ( stops ) - Yea .. No problem

" I actually shed a friggin tear telling you guys this part , anyway I cried a little bit while I was walking away. Things between us just weren't the same , but the things he said were making my feelings for him just grow and grow . I hated it so much... I didn't call him that night , instead I just stared at my ceiling ( Oh yea , I moved , If that hadn't occurred to some of you ) and just thought about the freaking DAY we spent together as kids.. It really had to be love at first sight . There's no way someone can fall in love with someone they don't even know. Anyway I was up all night ..just reminiscing about that day so many years ago...and that night when I almost got raped.. then it hit me.. my rapist .. who was he .. It took me so many years to ask that question .. but when I asked it , I needed answers ASAP .  I barely saw his face , but I know he was brown hair.. and is kinda chubby like Issac was. He kinda looked like him .. I guess that's why I thought it was him which was kinda stupid. It was until 6 months later when I found out who it was , but that's a story for another time..."

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