Memory 1 : Winter Secrets

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" I remember the day I met Issac like it was yesterday , I was about 8 or 9  when I met the love of my life . It was December 15 , 2005 . There was about 2 feet of snow covering the ground of Grand Central Park. It was my first time seeing the snow of NYC. I had just moved from Japan because my parents thought a "culture shift" was needed. I knew little English , well then again I did know how to ask for a McDouble and an orange juice from McDonald's . Anyway that was off topic , my name is Talia Hagaromo and this is the story of how I met my first and only true love"

Mrs. Hagaromo - TALIA !!! Hurry , our taxi is waiting !

Talia - I'm coming mother ! I just had to grab my snacks !

Mr. Hagaromo - I have your snacks in my bag Talia , now come , our taxi is waiting

Talia - Okay father

"It was my first day in America and I already hated it. It was so cold and the traffic was horrible. I was used to the traffic in downtown Tokyo , but this was on a whole other level. People gave us cold distant stares , like they didn't want any Asians around. We loaded our luggage into the trunk of the taxi and got in. I don't remember what my address was but I do know that we lived in a little dingy studio apartment. One room , one bathroom , one everything. I hated New York so much , I left my own bedroom just to have to share a room with my parents. It wasn't all bad though because that same day it began to snow. It snowed so much. It started snowing when I first got into my apartment which was around , uhhh I think 7:30 in the morning and it stopped around 4 in the afternoon which was PERFECT. There was so much snow !. My mother unpacked my luggage and handed me my bubble coat , mittens , scarf , hat and boots. I geared up and went with my mother and father into Grand Central which was literally across the street. When we got there I seen more people give us those neglectful stares. I ignored it , I was 9 , I didn't know what those looks meant. I played with my mom an dad for like 15 minutes just throwing snowballs at each other. About an hour went past .. it got dark . It was so beautiful , the lights of the park were so amazing , the snow just looked so bright ! Okay , so you know in romantic movies , how the couples meet under lights and its so beautiful outside ? And they have those little awkward conversations !? Yea , well that didn't happen to me . The reason why I asked is because as I was admiring the scenery I looked to my left and there he was. A little chubby boy , with short brown hair and big brown eyes.  I was star-struck like I had just seen the biggest tub of cookie-dough ice cream in my life. He walked over to me and I swear to god I died inside"

Issac ( Confused ) - Hey , Um why ya just starin' at my like that ?

Talia ( nervous ) - Um ..because ...

Issac - Because ??

Talia - Because..I...I LIKE YOUR FACE !! . Did I just say that ? I'm sorry

Issac (smiling) - I like your face too . Hey come over here with me .

" I blushed so freaking hard when he asked me that , I swear my little heart dropped into my stomach. I turned to my mom and dad and asked if I could go with him. They smiled and said yes.  I remember he grabbed my hand and looked back at me. He smiled.. I blushed and looked away. He pulled me as we ran over to his parents. He introduced me..."

Issac  - Hey MOM , DAD , I met a new friend. Her name is ...uh .. hey what is your name ?

Talia - T..Talia

Issac's Mom - Well hello there , aren't you a little cutie. Where you from ?

Talia - Japan .. It's actually my first day here in America..

Issac's Mom - You're english is very good for this to be your first day

Talia - I took classes as a kid

Issac's Dad - Hm well we're busy . Issac take your  "friend" back to where you found her. We're going home.

Issac's Mom - David ! You don't have to be so rude . I'm sorry Talia . He's just a bit cranky. Walk Talia back to her parents Issac then come on.

Issac - Fine. Come on Talia

Talia - O..Okay

" He grabbed my hand again ..but this time he looked back at his father and let go. He walked ahead of me and I followed. He didn't say a word to me. It was one of the " Kill Me" moments. Anyway we got back to my parents . He looked back again , but this time he leaned in and whispered in my ear "

Issac - My dad is kind of a jerk. Meet me at this exact spot tomorrow if you can. Okay ?

Talia - Okay !

" Issac leaned away"

Issac - Bye Talia , oh and Talia's parents. Have a good night !

"He ran back to his parents. He looked back at me and waved. I waved back , but I will never forget what happened that night..."

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