Chapter 7: Don't Scream

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Prayer's POV-

We did all of the things, Mrs. T said we would. Now setting up tents and putting things away. Nashawn was pretty good at it, so he helped most of us set our tents up. I was sharing a tent with Selena, Kelly, and Diamond. The tents were quite big. We had plenty of space to move around. We sat around talking and playing games. Diamond had gone to her friend's tent after playing a few games with us. I stepped out of the tent for a while and went to ask Mrs. T for my meds she was holding for me. I looked around then spotted her standing near a tree with Mr. Brady. I walked up and immediately caught their attention. I didn't want to take it. Sometimes I have trouble sleeping but when I do, I have nightmares.

Just the side effects of Beta-blockers (medication that's used to manage abnormal heart rhythm and prevent a second heart attack) "Prayer sweetie you, okay?" Mrs. T asked. I realized I have been standing here for a while. "Yes, I just wanted to ask for the meds I gave you earlier" she went into her purse she had on her shoulder. "Here it is," she said, handing it to me. I took it with some water and gave it back to her. Heading back towards the tent I heard a scream. I stopped in my tracks. Everyone was looking around. "Mrs. T! Mrs. T!" A girl screamed as she ran out of her tent, almost pulling it down. "Mrs. T there's a spider in there!" She exclaimed out of breath. Everyone burst into laughter including Mrs. T and Mr. Brady.

"Alright, alright. Calm down. I will kill it." Mr. Brady said, going into the tent. "No wait, just pick it up and kill it out here. I still have to sleep in there." she whined. "Shelley, calm your soul, the spider won't eat you." Mrs. T said. "Mrs. T there is no way for you to know that. Better safe than sorry" Shelley replied. I silently agreed with Shelley. She's right. You can't assume you're safe just because it's smaller than you. Me agreeing though might be because I'm also afraid of spiders. "Got it," Mr. Brady said as he stepped out of the tent holding a jar with the spider inside. "Now it's not in the tent anymore" Mrs. T said. "Great, now I can go to sleep." Shelley said, going back into the tent.

Getting chills I decided to go sit by the fire. After a few minutes I got up and went back to the tent. Kelly and Selena were chatting away until I walked in. "Wow, sneak dissing is still a thing" I said laughing. "Sorry to disappoint but I'm not built like that." Kelly said, rolling her eyes and laughing. "We were planning something; it's a surprise so don't ask what" Selena said. "Here we go," I said, sitting down. "Oh, you're going to love it!" Just wait and see" Kelly said, all excited. "Hey girls, time to call it a night. Hand me the games" Mrs. T said. We handed all of the games we had in the tent over to Mrs. T. "Thank you and good night girls." She said, "Good night." We replied as we slid into our sleeping bags. Selena and Kelly both drifted off pretty fast.

I on the other hand turned left then right and repeated it, three more times before I gave up on sleep completely. I crawled out of my sleeping bag then grabbed my phone and book from my bag. I turned my flashlight on and stepped out of the tent-making my way to the logs. As I began to read, I heard the sound of a branch break. Snap! I looked around, shining my phone's flashlight in every direction slowly. There's nothing there. Well, at least I couldn't see it. I figured it must have been a small animal. I didn't think our teachers would take us to a dangerous area to camp. I looked back down at the page I was reading. Snap! Rustle! Snap! I looked around again. 

The light landed on a silhouette right next to a tree in front of me. I wasn't sure if it was one of my classmates sneaking off into the woods or someone else. I heard the sound of crying. It sounded like it was from an animal. It was followed by another sound. -Crack! I jumped. That sound was not a branch breaking. It sounded like a bone, or I wasn't sure what it was, but it sounded like someone, or something's bone was just broken. No way.! The animal. Is it dead.? I stood up and kept my eyes on the silhouette not moving closer but also not moving away. Crunch! Gulp! Eating? Whoever this is was consuming something. The silhouette moved weirdly. 

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